2021 Judicial Conference Program
Goals and Initiatives for the Upcoming Year • Approve CORE design plan and the Administrative Judge CORE manual template.
• Develop Administrative Judge CORE, a program that all newly- appointed administrative judges will complete as foundational awareness, knowledge, and skills to execute the job responsibilities with proficiency. • Begin Phase 2 to identify new members by soliciting additional subject matter experts (SMEs) to the Administrative Judge PBE Work Group allowing existing members to retire from their SME role.
Commissioner Work Group • Initiated updates for Commissioner CORE 2.0.
• Updated the functionality and style of Commissioner CORE for enhanced learner experience and expanded scenario-based learning. • Refined and updated job behaviors for the roles and responsibilities of a commissioner to include new responsibilities added since the initial launch of Commissioner CORE 1.0. • Completed revising and updating the online lessons for the roles and responsibilities module based on new commissioner duties. • Refined job behaviors and proficiencies for the ethics module. • Completed revising and expanding module on ethics in alignment with the Maryland Code of Conduct for Judicial Appointees. • Drafted new job behaviors and proficiencies for commissioner responsibilities regarding accepting, processing, and determining public defender eligibility. • Designed the new module on public defender eligibility. • Drafted new job behaviors and proficiencies for a new module on public service and professionalism. • Updated the design of all Commissioner CORE resources, such as job aids, activities, and handouts. • Collaborated with Judiciary web masters to create a resource repository, facilitate updates, and increase access to CORE resources. • Began the redesign of the New Commissioner Workbook into the updated Commissioner CORE eJournal for a better user experience and easier access to CORE resources. • Began the process of updating the Training Commissioner Guide to the 2.0 style with improved functionality and add additional guidance for training and discussion with new commissioners. • Train the Trainers for Commissioner CORE • Converted Train-the-Trainer onsite two-day course for training commissioners into an abridged 1-hour webinar. • Offered two 1-hour Train-the-Trainer webinars in collaboration with CORE 2.0 work group faculty. • Specialized Training for Commissioners • Surveyed the Administrative Commissioners to determine priority order for specialized course offerings – post CORE. • Developed additional proficiencies for the Specialized Course: Probable Cause Practicum. • Began development of the Specialized Course: Probable Cause Practicum, the first Proficiency- Based Education and Training System (PBETS) Specialized courses for commissioners. • Post CORE Commissioner Resources • Began collaborating with Judiciary webmasters to place all CORE lessons and resources on the Judicial College website. This will allow commissioners on- demand access to CORE materials after completing the self-paced online course in Canvas.
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