2021 Judicial Conference Program

• Launched three sessions of Preventing Sexual Harassment, developed in collaboration with Fair Practices. • Supported the Safety and Security Training Series. This includes collaborating to offer webinars and developing an Instructor-Led Distance Learning (ILDL) course for 2021. • Developed and facilitated two customized trainings and presentations. • Emotional Intelligence for District Court ADR volunteers • Self-Care for the Grants Conference • Launched the Training Resources section on CourtNet with Quick Reference Aids and Webinar Resources including on-demand webinars. • Integrated ILDL opportunities including developing faculty and learner guidelines for ILDL. • Administered the Educational Assistance/Tuition Reimbursement process via CONNECT. In total, 144 applications for educational assistance were reviewed and approved during the reporting period. • Developed course curricula and associated materials for Working with Sovereign Citizens in preparation for a 2021 release. Goals and Initiatives for the Upcoming Year • Launch the Circuit Court Rules training via a webinar format that will allow the clerks to attend training in one-hour sessions. The webinars will be accessible from locations across the state and will rely on subject-matter experts to facilitate the sessions. • Launch the District Court Rules training in an on-demand webinar format that will allow the clerks to attend training in one-hour sessions. The webinars will be accessible from locations across the state. • Organize and host the Inaugural Certificate Programs graduation day. • Continue to increase the number of ILDL courses. • Continue to increase the number of face-to-face courses developed and facilitated by subject-matter experts both within the Judiciary and from outside organizations. • Expand the number of Institute for Court Management Fellows within the Maryland Judiciary. • Develop and deploy microlearning training during the coming year. Each training will ideally span 3-6 minutes and involve short-term, focused strategies designed for skills-based learning.

Technology Education Subcommittee • Number of online courses offered in 2020 (via Webucator): 25. • Number of onsite courses offered in 2020 (MJC and regional): 68. • Number of webinars offered in 2020 (via GoToWebinar): 101. • Total number of attendees: 3,942 (59% increase from 2019). • Number of seat hours: 6,921.

• Supported Technology Education (TE) in developing and delivering 15 live Conducting Remote Hearings using Zoom for Government (ZfG) webinars (with 571 learners attending) to assist the courts with conducting remote proceedings. • Supported TE in developing ZfG training resources, including the comprehensive Maryland Judiciary Bench Book for Remote Courtroom Proceedings, various quick reference materials, a frequently asked questions document, etc. • Supported TE in developing and delivering 26 live Skype for Business webinars (with 807 learners attending) to assist the courts in operating remotely during the pandemic telework period. • Supported TE in developing Skype for Business training resources, including a quick reference card, quick reference guide, frequently asked questions document, and tip sheet. • Supported TE in developing Microsoft Teams training resources and delivering live webinars to support the use of virtual meetings, document collaboration, etc.

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