2021 Judicial Conference Program
Goals and Initiatives for the Upcoming Year • Collaborate with the Judicial College to develop interactive education programs appropriate for large groups. • Secure informed and qualified judges to replace those with expiring terms and who do not wish to seek reappointment to the subcommittee. • Ensure timely distribution of court-decisions and ethical opinions impacting commissioner duties.
Judicial Education Subcommittee • In 2020, Judicial Education offered: • 13 face-to-face classes
• 456 face-to-face class enrollments, with 3,345 seat hours • 274 webinar enrollments, 411 seat hours
• 12 course coordinators and 53 faculty volunteers supported continuing education for judges • The subcommittee approved a webinar series pilot that ran throughout 2019 and became operationalized for the 2020 academic year. • The subcommittee created groups to identify CORE courses for judges who manage a criminal law docket, civil law docket, family and juvenile law docket, and had a group develop CORE courses that address behavioral topics critical for new and all judges. Goals and Initiatives for the Upcoming Year • Implement the mandatory online Judicial Ethics Course for judges and magistrates approved by the Judicial Council. • Initiate the process of developing course learning outcomes for each of the CORE courses recommended for judges that have served three or less years. • Support the development of Instructor-Led Distance Learning (ILDL) coursework, allowing for expanded virtual educational opportunities for judges. Magistrate Track Course Selection Work Group • Revised and implemented standardized process, timeline, and procedures for the annual selection of magistrate track courses. • Selected magistrate courses for 2021, with detailed course descriptions. • Participated in the Judicial Education Academic Year Planning Retreat to select classes for 2021. • Reviewed courses cancelled due to the pandemic and determined which could be rescheduled. • Planned the magistrate courses for 2022 and determined which courses could be held remotely. New Magistrate Orientation and Mentoring ProgramWork Group • Reviewed and analyzed the “on-boarding” program for new magistrates with specific focus on design and content of the “Self- Assessment” Tool. The new self-assessment tool was finalized and approved by the Education Committee and the Conference of Circuit Judges. Following this approval, the self- assessment tool has been given to all newly on-boarded magistrates. • Implemented the “Outlook Group” for magistrates. • Identified classes in the digital library for new magistrates to view as part of an orientation program. • Began development of the new magistrate “Phone-A-Friend” resource list. Magistrate Education Subcommittee
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