2021 Judicial Conference Program

• Webinar Courses: 174 People Attended: 6,780 Total Seat hours: 6,506 • Self-Paced Distanced Learning Courses: 12

People Attended: 438 Total Seat Hours: 5,256

During the reporting period, the Education Committee, in collaboration with the Judicial College, worked on 15 strategic objectives linked with the Judiciary’s strategic goals. In 2020, the Committee accomplished 11 objectives in full or part. These include: • Collaborated with the Court Technology Committee to survey the Judiciary on technology preparedness for educational online courses. The results were provided to the Court Operations Committee. • Enhanced Certificate Program curricula design to maximize learning. • Created a standard set of education-related templates for course materials Judiciary-wide. • Rolled out the Proficiency-Based Education and Training System. • Created micro-learning for “Just-In-Time” training on targeted subject matter. • Created micro-learning for “Just-In-Time” training on targeted subject matter. • Used a proficiency-based program to educate all courtroom staff on effective communication, excellent customer service, and assisting difficult people, and evaluated the impact. • Unveiled mandatory online Implicit Bias education for all Judiciary employees. The Education Committee reviewed and approved six requests to hold training and received one training information form. Goals and Initiatives for the Upcoming Year • Relaunch the Proficiency-Based Education and Training System for Supervisor and Manager CORE. • Integrate Instructor-Led Distance Learning platform across all three educational- based departments. • Implement a mandatory online Cultural Competence course for all Judiciary employees. • Create a network of educational podcasts that may be of interest to Judiciary employees. • Develop an Instructor-Led Distance Learning Training of Trainers and offer it in 2021. • Implement a Judiciary-wide customer satisfaction survey on the work of the Judicial College. Commissioner Education Subcommittee • From October 2019 through February 2020, the subcommittee planned two week-long New Commissioner Academy programs and four Commissioner Education Conferences for September 2020. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, all onsite/in-person classes were cancelled. • New commissioners attended remote ethics training. • All commissioners completed an online update for new laws that were passed during the 2020 legislative session. SUBCOMMITTEES AND WORK GROUPS • Built a phone directory which lists skills or specialties of individual SMEs. • Established and implemented an ADA-compliant standard for all courses. • Combined and expanded Judicial College library content.

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