2021 Judicial Conference Program
Law Libraries The SRL Subcommittee monitors and supports the work of the Judiciary’s public law libraries. Maryland’s public law libraries continued to partner this year with the Maryland Access to Justice Commission on a program to train public librarians in helping their visitors to address legal problems. These programs moved online during the COVID-19 health emergency. Outreach Outreach during 2020 pivoted to promote awareness of the remote services available through the Maryland Court Help Center during the COVID-19 health emergency. Access to Justice had contracted to place ads to promote the new Catonsville walk-in center and services in Hagerstown. While those programs were closed, an existing ad contract was used to promote public awareness about the remote services. New campaigns for transit ads, radio ads, and digital ads will be used to target individuals with housing law issues who may be able to get help from a remote or walk-in center. The subcommittee reviewed and approved several 30-second videos to promote the public’s awareness of court services and resources. A 30-second video about the My Laws, My Courts, My Maryland Video Library was completed in Fiscal Year 2019. Three other 30-second videos to promote awareness of the Maryland Courts Help Center (call center), the walk-in centers, and court language services were completed in Fiscal Year 2020. These are placed on key web pages. In addition, a silent version runs on the MVA network in MVA locations around the state, and several were used for a campaign on MPT in Spring 2020. Accessibility & Accommodations Subcommittee The Accessibility & Accommodations Subcommittee, chaired by Hon. Pamela J. White, develops initiatives to enhance access to the courts and the justice system for persons with disabilities. Subcommittee projects are identified consistent with subjects addressed in the April 2019 Initial Report and Recommendations of the Accessibility and Accommodations Subcommittee. Visual Interpreter / Readers The subcommittee researched the use of visual interpreters and readers for persons with sensory impairments. The subcommittee reviewed and approved a Tip Sheet on this topic which was added to the Court Accessibility Toolkit. Supporting Accessibility in Remote Proceedings The subcommittee reviewed and approved several instruction sheets to support the courts in responding to the needs of persons with disabilities in conducting remote proceedings. Instructions on the following topics were added to the Court Accessibility Toolkit: Goals and Initiatives for the Upcoming Year The committee adopted the following objectives in support of the Judiciary’s Strategic Plan. 1. Provide Access to Justice a. Expand use of videoconferencing self-help services from court locations. b. Expand court help services to a District Court location in Montgomery County. c. Support expanding use of remote court proceedings and operations 2. Be Responsive and Adaptable to Changing Community Needs a. Continue to support the ability of the self-represented and the limited English proficient to partici- pate in remote proceedings effectively. 3. Communicate Effectively with Stakeholders a. Publish data on the number and general types of accommodations requested and provided each year. b. P ublish Language Services in the Maryland Courts and Resources for Self-Represented Litigants in the Maryland Courts for Fiscal Year 2020. • Visual Accessibility Features in Zoom • Audio Accessibility Features in Zoom • Closed Captioning Remote Proceedings Using Zoom • Using ASL Interpretation with Zoom
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