2021 Judicial Conference Program
4. Improve Systems and Processes a. Continue to support the use of interpreter management software. 5. Assure the Highest Level of Services
a. Continue to promote judicial education on accessibility. b. Publish a best practices document for court help centers. c. Publish a Court Language Toolkit to consolidate information to support the courts in meeting the needs of LEPs. 6. Build Partnership a. Improve the integration of court-based self-help resources in the legal services community in serving the public and promote attorney participation through the Maryland Justice Passport. b. Continued to develop new video content in collaboration with Judiciary partners. 7. Use Resources Wisely Navigating COVID-19 Challenges The committee has pivoted to direct attention to how to ensure access to justice throughout the COVID-19 health emergency. The committee continued to meet, shifting full meetings to videoconference. Subcommittees have always met remotely. Some of the pandemic-related responses have included the following: • Government Relations & Public Affairs has coordinated all pandemic-related information and updates throughout the health emergency, managing a comprehensive coronavirus web page, publishing regularly press releases, and responding to requests for information. • Access to Justice staff created and regularly updated a COVID-19 Public Information Page to aid the public in understanding the many court orders, and state and federal executive orders that impact court operations during the pandemic. This information is translated into all five priority languages and those translations have been updated with every revision. • Materials have been published to support the courts and the public in using interpreters for remote proceedings. • Materials have been published to support the courts in responding to the needs of persons with disabilities in conducting remote proceedings. • A new Remote Hearing Toolkit has been developed for the public. • Registry interpreters have been provided extensive training in providing interpretation services for remote proceedings. • All meetings with grantees and stakeholders have moved to online platforms. • New technologies have been identified, tested, and adopted to permit the Maryland Court Help Centers to operate more effectively remotely including new phone technology (Amazon Connect) and the use of Teams for videoconferencing from walk- in sites. • Maryland Court Help Centers have been provided resources to permit them to sanitize physical spaces. Staff has worked to prepare for the return to on-site operations for the remote service center. • Training for Maryland court interpreters has been moved online. In September 2020, staff offered the introductory workshop to 180 prospective interpreters. • New testing protocols have been developed for court interpreters. Oral certification exams were offered to those willing to take the test under strict protocols to protect their health and safety including the use of plexiglass shields and masks. About half of those originally scheduled for exams decided to postpone. Written exams will be offered in small groups to permit the use of health and safety protocols. a. Expand video remote interpreting using Zoom for Government. b. Expand the pro bono component of Maryland Court Help Centers.
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