2021 Judicial Conference Program

During the COVID-19 health emergency, all walk-in centers were closed as court in-person operations were restricted. Walk-in centers reopened as the Maryland courts reopened to the public on July 20. The Cambridge center has remained closed as that space is too small to permit social distancing. The walk- in centers are currently operating with reduced staff on-site to promote public health and safety. Each center is staffed by at least one on-site attorney and one on-site administrative staff person. The remainder of the attorney staff work from home. On-site staff assist visitors to videoconference with remote staff for assistance when there are too many visitors for the on-site staff to assist. Attorneys working remotely are also able to field calls and chats from the remote service center. Self-Help Video Library The Maryland Judiciary continues to build its extensive self-help video library with new series of short format, live action films. The SRL Subcommittee reviewed and approved scripts for several video series. All titles are reviewed and approved by the Self- Represented Litigant Subcommittee and other Judiciary committees and departments prior to release. Final videos released this year included: • Divorce Series (9 videos) • Service of Process Series (3 videos) The following scripts were approved, and the videos are now in production: • Mediation Series (4 videos) • Domestic Violence Series (6 videos to be produced in both English and Spanish) • Need an Interpreter Series (2-videos to be produced in English and all 5 priority languages) All videos are provided on a landing page that includes transcripts in English and Spanish and links to relevant resources. All videos are captioned in both English and Spanish. The video library is available at https://www.mdcourts.gov/reference/videolibrary . Video Enterprise Management System (CourtTV) Access to Justice staff completed the conversion of existing TV monitors in public spaces in court buildings to serve as monitors. This permits video content to be selected and displayed from a central monitor, making it easier for courts to display relevant content. A new enterprise communication system was launched which permits the monitors to display content from the My Laws, My Courts, My Maryland self- help video library on playlists, along with informational pieces from the Division of Government Relations & Public Affairs, and emergency notifications when needed. Access to Justice staff work with local courts to customize their schedules and playlists and to maintain the equipment. Maryland Court Help App The Judiciary’s app has been updated with Version 2.0. The new version provides enhanced functionality (ability to print and share PDFs, court location maps, photos, and individualized directions) and an improved visually oriented interface. The app has been renamed the Maryland Court Help app to dovetail with the rebranding of Judiciary services. In addition, there is a new web-enabled version of the app individuals can use from a computer. Document Assembly Interviews Access to Justice and District Court Administrative Services (DCAS) have been developing guided interviews to assist court users in completing forms. The interviews are built in Tyler’s Guide & File , an application that is available to the Judiciary as part of Tyler Odyssey. Access to Justice and DCAS meet regularly to plan and review these projects. Primary responsibility for vetting completed interviews rests with the Forms Subcommittee of the Court Operations Committee, although the SRL Subcommittee is advised of progress. Several interviews have been completed and vetted. The program expects to go live for the public in November 2020 with several completed interviews. Remote Proceedings The subcommittee has monitored the efforts of Access to Justice to support the ability of self-represented litigants to participate effectively in remote proceedings. Staff has developed a Remote Hearing Toolkit for the public.

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