2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog

August WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 FIELD TRIP: JESSUP Sentencing: What Every Judge Needs to Know 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. What happens when the sentenced defendant is led from your courtroom? What is prison really like on the inside? How much of your sentence will the defendant actually spend incarcerated? What services are available to incarcerated individuals? This innovative, interactive course will include an insider’s tour of the Jessup Correctional Institution, a maximum-security correctional facility. It will also feature addresses by and discussions with corrections officials and service providers, along with the opportunity for a peer-to-peer and a possible discussion panel with current inmates of the facility. Coordinators: Hon. James Green; Hon. Stacy McCormack

TUESDAY, AUGUST 27 DC Potpourri 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

You take a little of this, add to it A LOT of that and BAM - you have District Court Potpourri. This course will take you on a wild ride not unlike that of a district court docket. We will tackle a multitude of topics including, but not limited to, Protective Orders/Peace Orders/ Extreme Risk Protective Orders and Emergency Petition hearings. We will discuss common mistakes and how to avoid them. We will talk about issues that routinely arise in matters involving civil judgments and bail reviews. Lastly, we will discuss recent changes in the laws regarding landlord/tenant matters and cannabis use and possession. Coordinator: Hon. Karen Pilarski The two most litigated issues arising out of construction projects are for construction defects and disputes over entitlement to payment. Any trepidation about presiding over a construction case involving these two issues will crumble after attending this program. The faculty is comprised of members of the bar who concentrate their practices in these areas and are universally recognized for their individual and collective expertise. Build a solid foundation on topics including: construction defect claims, express and implied warranties for new home and condominium construction, claims and causes of action that are frequently asserted in construction defect litigation, payment bond disputes on public construction projects in Maryland (Maryland Little Miller Act), mechanic’s lien rights and procedures (Maryland Mechanic’s Lien Statute), claims and relief available for failures to make prompt payment on construction projects (Maryland Prompt Payment Act), and statutory trusts and potential for individual liability for failure to make payment to downstream contractors (Maryland Trust Fund Statute). Coordinator: Hon. Danielle Mosley Construction Law in DC 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

August 23 Strategies for Better and Happier Law Clerks with Gillian Tonkin and Hon. Stacy Mayer

Lunchtime Webinars

Judicial College of Maryland


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