2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog

TUESDAY, JUNE 25 Deception/Witness Reliability 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Every day, we are asked to make decisions based on words, appearances and other nonverbal cues and it seems that science is ever-changing. Your instructors will explain different methods of evaluating all types of evidence, examining verbal and nonverbal cues and indicators or deception and what is reliable and what may not be reliable. The instructors will discuss issues such as witness memory, identification, recantation and simply deception. They will not always agree. The group will discuss traditional methods of getting to the truth and alternatives based on the latest research by the US High Value Detainee Interrogation Group Research Group. Prepare to use what you learn to review actual testimony or cases to further explore these issues. Coordinator: Mag. Joanie Raymond July TUESDAY, JULY 9 Juvenile Delinquency/Waiver Hearings 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. As the importance of the waiver hearing factors has shifted under Davis v. State, ever wonder what happens when the youth is in juvenile court? This course will examine the shift in priority under the factors through Davis v. State and then discuss the implications of the legal changes brought about by the Juvenile Justice Reform Laws and Maryland Court Rules. Once the youth are in juvenile court, we will discuss several innovative programs implemented by Montgomery County including the Social Work Intern Program, the Conflict Resolution Program, restorative justice practices for re-entry, and more! Coordinator: Hon. Bibi Berry

THURSDAY, JULY 11 The Resistant Child 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

The Resistant Child in Custody Situations. Ranging from the child who is reluctant to leave one home for another, to the child who elopes from one home to another, to the child who refuses to see a parent. This naturally covers as well the conduct of the parents in terms of appropriate and inappropriate gate-keeping behaviors which cause estrangement and behaviors which cause alienation. Find yourself better equipped to recognize and attempt to craft short and longer term actions and resolutions to these thorny issues with the benefit of a custody evaluator who has conducted over one hundred custody evaluations and private practitioners with decades of experience in contested access. Coordinator: Kristine Kappeler Howanski, Esq. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 Off-Site: ​ FREDERICK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Damages 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Have you ever wondered when, why, and how punitive damages apply in a civil case? How do you determine how much to award for loss of profits, loss of use, personal injury, or ex parte damages? What is the cap on non-economic damages? This course will discuss the various types and items of damages that can be awarded as a remedy and/or penalty depending on the case. Coordinator: Hon. Jill Cummins Discovery Disputes 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. What are our favorite Motions to receive in the Queue after a long day of trials? Motions to Compel and for Sanctions!!! This Course will review the most recent appellate decisions regarding discovery disputes, as well as dissect MD Rule 2-432and 2-433. We will analyze proposed Orders and offer creative alternatives with respect sanctions. Coordinator: Hon. Richard Sandy

2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog


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