2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog
June TUESDAY, JUNE 4 Off-Site: UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE SCHOOL OF LAW Social Media in Litigation: Forensic Solutions, Scope of Civil Discovery, Admissibility, and Practical Applications 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Litigation over social media is increasing. Everything from “private” pages to requests to discover passwords is being litigated. Social media presents a number of issues:. 1. When must it be preserved and how? 2. When must it be collected and how? 3. What is the scope of discovery and does it differ in “garden variety” emotional distress cases? 4. We will take a brief detour into the Stored Communications Act and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act which may bar discovery from social media providers and “”self help”” solutions. 5. Admissibility, with an emphasis on authentication may be a hurdle to use in motions and trials. The Supreme Court of Maryland has issued several landmark decisions - Griffin, Sublet and Sample - regarding admissibility and substantive use of social media. Coordinators: Mag. Connie Marvel; Hon. Paul Grimm; Craig Ball, Esq,; Alicia Shelton, Esq. THURSDAY, JUNE 6 Off-Site: UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE SCHOOL OF LAW DV Danger Assessment and Cyber Tactics 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. In this course, learners will review the nuts and bolts of domestic violence and the latest updates. We will learn about the risks of domestic violence and the danger assessment and develop knowledge and tactics when confronted by cyberstalking and tactics. Coordinators: Hon. Shannon Avery; Hon. Jeannie Hong
June 7 Griffin Now vs. Griffin Then with Hon. Lynne Battaglia
Lunchtime Webinars
TUESDAY, JUNE 11 Impact Civil Cases 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
This course will discuss the most important civil cases decided by Maryland’s appellate courts in the most recent 12-month period. The course includes interactive components that require the application of the legal principles in those cases to hypothetical cases that the participants may encounter. Coordinator: Hon. Kevin Arthur Civil Evidence 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Sustained or overruled? You can flip a coin or you can enhance your chances of getting it right with some practice and analysis. Evidence is evidence, but we’ll look at some issues that arise more often in civil cases. A bit of a refresher on basic hearsay is always useful, then we will look in more detail at business records and medical records. Social media is always lurking out there, maybe more often in criminal cases, but we will update any developments there. The course will balance practical scenarios with some of the more theoretical foundation for the rules. Something for every trial judge! Coordinator: Hon. Lawrence Fletcher-Hill
June 21 Supporting Gender Identity and Expression with Judicial College D I &
Lunchtime Webinars
Judicial College of Maryland
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