2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog
May THURSDAY, MAY 16 Report and Recommendation/Order Writing 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. A, B, C. Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity. When not in court, magistrates spend most of their time Writing reports and recommendations. This course aims to bolster and improve your ABC writing skills. We will review how to accurately and concisely find facts and organize this information into a cogent and clear report. Our faculty will share insight on common mistakes and how to avoid them. So, sharpen your pencils and please join us! Coordinator: Mag. Julie Minner
Creditor Claims in the Orphans’ Court 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. The personal representative has filed a final account and is ready to make distribution to the heirs and legatees. Not so fast. There are outstanding claims that have to be addressed. This class will do an in depth study of the statutes and rules regarding creditor claims. Learn the order of priority in making payments. Understand the effect of the statute of limitations; the limitation on presentment of claims; the manner of presenting claims; when and whether to allow claims fully or partially; and the possible liability of the personal representative. The determination is yours. Coordinator: Hon. Athena Groves THURSDAY, MAY 23 The Evolution of Family Law in Maryland: Understanding Family Law from a your love of the law by learning about the historical development of various family law topics from their beginning in England to their current state in today’s cases. Understand the extent of the court’s authority and the limits of the court’s authority in trying to achieve equity in a family law case. This course will cover the evolution of the law in Maryland regarding marriage, divorce, domestic violence, custody, alimony, and marital property. Our instructors will take you on a fascinating tour of the history of family law with a focus on custody, domestic violence, marriage, and divorce. Coordinator: Hon. Bibi Berry Historical Perspective 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Winston Churchill said, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Foster
May 17 Emergency Evaluation Petitions with Hon. Karen Pilarski
Lunchtime Webinars
TUESDAY, MAY 21 Guardianship of the Property for Orphans’ Court Judges 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Thinking of disinheriting your spouse? Thought it was as simple as leaving your spouse out of the will and naming joint owners to your property? Not so fast and not anymore. The statute has been amended so that the elective share is no longer a simple fraction of the probate estate. Learn what assets make up the augmented estate and how to calculate the new elective share. Study the factors to consider when an heir or joint property owner disputes a spouse’s election. “‘Til death do us part” may not be viewed the same. Coordinator: Hon. Juliet Fisher
Judicial College of Maryland
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