2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog

FRIDAY, APRIL 26 Best Practices for Preparing Family Law Casefile for Contested Hearing 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Prepping for a contested family law hearing Your case file is your friend? Come and learn best practices and tips to better prepare for next time. Coordinator: Hon. Karen Mason Tips for Timely, Efficient, and Thorough Rulings From the Bench 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Contested divorce, custody, and child support actions can be challenging, charged, and involve both legal and behavioral disputes. The course will cover strategies for effectively managing high-conflict cases, maximizing court time and resources, and helping families move forward. Coordinator: Hon. Karen Mason May WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Evidence- Based Sentencing D I & 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Therapeutic Jurisprudence offers a new dimension to case management and the court process. For many, this approach is difficult. Yet it can be powerfully liberating. The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the essential principles of a therapeutic approach to judging. Utilizing therapeutic jurisprudence principles, judges can help promote real changes in behavior, save lives, reduce dockets, and increase their job satisfaction. Coordinator: Hon. Nicole Taylor

TUESDAY, MAY 14 Impact of New Technology on Search and Seizure Law 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Prosecutors and defense attorneys get to focus most of their energies on the intricacies of criminal law. This makes a judge’s job of keeping up with new technology vital. In this class you will learn about new technologies and how they interplay with search seizure law, and What You Always Wanted to Know About Information Technology, but Were Afraid to Ask 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Arthur C. Clark once said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. This class will demystify many important concepts in modern information technology. The class will include discussions of core concepts and vocabulary, including topics such as software development, pieces of a computer, networks whether internet, cellular or Wi-Fi, the cloud (What is it? What are the different types of cloud services?), encryption and cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning. Much of the class will be in the form of role playing, including responding to a ransomware attack, and walking through the technical issues that could be triggered in investigating a crime. The class will also include discussions of the future of AI and the ethical and practical issues raised by the new generation of AI. Coordinator: Hon. Stephen Sfekas some recent case law examples. Coordinator: Hon. Nancy Purpura

2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog


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