2023 Judicial Education Course Catalog

THURSDAY, JUNE 15 LGBTQ & Transgender Youth/Parents 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Coming to a Courtroom Near You: New and emerging trends in family and juvenile court involving LGTBQIA parents and/or children. This course will help you to knowledgeably and ethically handle family and juvenile cases involving parents and/or children who identify as LGBTQIA, including addressing terminology, vital records, causes for increased involvement in delinquency and dependency cases, congregate care issues for youth, foster care issues for youth, and courtroom etiquette to ensure a truly accessible court environment pursuant to Maryland Rules 18-102.2 (Impartiality and Fairness) and 18-102.3 (Bias, Prejudice, and Harassment). Coordinator: Judge Larnzell Martin, Jr. (Sr.) ; Magistrate Kristin Hileman-Adams Faculty: Anthony Hynes; Todd Brower; Emily Hect-McGowan; Jennifer Fairfax, Esq.; Beth Wheeler

TUESDAY, JUNE 20 The Juvenile Restoration Act 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

“The Juvenile Restoration Act of 2021, now codified at Criminal Procedure 6-235 and 8-110, allows individuals convicted of a crime while a minor to petition for a reconsideration if they had been incarcerated for 20 years or more regardless of any prior proceedings. This course will briefly review the legal precedents behind the bill and then explore what will be required of judges and the courts as petitions are filed. There will also be a discussion of the role that reentry options should play in making decisions, including the Prince George’s County Re-Entry Court. The course will wrap up with an interactive discussion of a hypothetical case or cases that raise some of the key issues that will be confronted when handling a case. The faculty will include a prosecutor, a public defender, and a judge who have handled similar cases. Coordinator: Judge Peter K. Killough Faculty: Judge Lawrence V. Hill, Jr.; Doyle L. Niemann; Brian M. Saccenti This full-day course is designed to help the new and veteran judge navigate the field of domestic violence in civil proceedings. Faculty will use interactive exercises designed to identify issues and promote discussions on challenges judges face in civil protective order proceedings. This course will focus on the dynamics of intimate partner violence, lethality assessment instruments with special emphasis on strangulation as a risk factor and emerging trends and legislation related to domestic violence. Coordinator: Judge Ada E. Clark-Edwards Faculty: Judge Donine M. Carrington-Martin; Judge James H. Green THURSDAY, JUNE 22 Overview in Domestic Violence 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

June 16 Utilizing Guidelines to Support Fair and Just Criminal Sentencing with David A. Soule, Ph.D. & Katharine Pembroke

Lunchtime Webinars

TUESDAY, JUNE 20 Special Problems in Juvenile Justice 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This course will cover special problems in the juvenile justice and child welfare cases, specifically cases involving disabilities, immigration, and Native American cases involving the federal Indian Child Welfare Act requiring deference to tribal courts in certain cases. Coordinator: Magistrate Jeffrey D. Moffatt Faculty: TBD

2023 Judicial Education Course Catalog


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