2023 Judicial Conference Program

Thursday April 27, 2023 (Cont.) WORKSHOPS Access and fairness: Accessibility, language access, and the work of the EJC access and fairness subcommittee New initiatives and resources have advanced the Judiciary’s ability to respond effectively to the needs of persons with disabilities and those facing language barriers, and to ensure we create a dynamic, inclusive work force that reflects the communities we serve. In this workshop judges will learn about key developments that have come out of the work of the Equal Justice Committee’s Access and Fairness Subcommittee and the Court Access Committee including: i) innovations to expand the Judiciary talent pool to include persons with disabilities; ii) tools and tips for responding to accessibility issues in the courtroom; and iii) resources to help you meet the needs of persons with limited English. FACULTY: Moderator: Hon. Robert K. Taylor, Circuit Court for Baltimore City Hon. E. Gregory Wells, Chief Judge, Appellate Court of Maryland Hon. Carlos F. Acosta, Circuit Court for Montgomery County Pamela C. Ortiz, Esq., Access to Justice Department | Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts Choptank A AED machines in the courts and NARCAN overview Come and see the latest AED machines equipped in every courthouse as well as a demonstration of how they work, when they are used, and how they save lives. Attendees will also witness an overview and explanation of NARCAN and how it is also saving lives. FACULTY: Debbie Mullins, Worcester Goes Purple Thomas Tyzack, Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Security Choptank B Best practices: Considerations of issues that impact the LGBTQ+ community in criminal and civil proceedings The House of Delegates of the American Bar Association in February 2023 passed resolution 401 that provides support of the adoption of a bench card addressing best practices for judges in “using LGBTQ+ inclusive language and pronouns” in the courtroom. This session will explore those best practices in addressing differences in the courtroom, in both criminal and civil cases, and among parties in line with the goals of resolution 401. Learn how to interact with transgender, non-binary and gender-expansive court users in accordance with the Judicial Rules of Conduct so as to avoid misgendering people of all genders by using gender-inclusive language. Topics to be covered will include issues related to criminal defendants, sentencing, jail system, and other subtle and not-so-subtle issues that impact the LGBTQ+ community. Learn about best practices from other jurisdictions, what resources are available when considering sentencing options, and the impact on the individual sentenced. Come to the program to share your best practices or suggestions. One goal of this program is to take your best practices and help us create a bench card for the entire Maryland Judiciary. FACULTY: Moderator: Hon. Mark F. Scurti, District 1, Baltimore City Hon. Ana D. Hernandez, District 1, Baltimore City Itta C. Englander, Esq., staff attorney at Maryland Center for Legal Assistance Cutter A/B 2023 Judicial Conference | 9

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