2023 Judicial Conference Program
Thursday April 27, 2023 (Cont.)
Domestic violence and the traumatized brain In this interactive workshop, judges will explore how trauma can cause neurobiological changes that impact citizens who come before them in domestic violence matters. Judges will use this information to identify small changes they can implement to create a more trauma-informed environment. FACULTY: Moderator: Hon. Donine M. Carrington-Martin, Circuit Court for Charles County Susan Radcliffe, LCSW-C, Dorchester County Health Department Choptank C Harriet Tubman Museum tour | 2-HOUR WORKSHOP This workshop is two hours and is the only one you will attend for the day. Please meet in hotel lobby by 3:05 p.m. Bus transportation provided. Harriet Tubman Museum and Educational Center discovers the life, struggles, and accomplishments of an American hero, abolitionist, and suffragist. Judicial ethics in an internet and social media society This program will be an interactive panel discussion of recent judicial disciplinary cases in State Courts. We will focus on recognizing deteriorating situations and taking steps to avoid complaints. We will use hypotheticals, videos, and factual situations taken from recent cases. FACULTY: Moderator: Hon. Erik H. Nyce, District 5, Prince George’s County Derek A. Bayne, Esq., Deputy Assistant Investigative Counsel , Maryland Commission on Judicial Disabilities Alvin I. Frederick, Esq., Eccleston and Wolf, P.C. Galleon A/B/C Law enforcement and criminal justice reform The past several years has brought reform to law enforcement and the criminal justice system. From encounters with law enforcement, to the role of a prosecutor, judge, and defense counsel, a person’s journey through the criminal justice system is changing. This session is an opportunity to discuss the different perspectives on recent reform acts passed during legislative sessions, underlying concepts, and practical considerations in applying changes. FACULTY: Moderator: Hon. Sidney A. Butcher, District 7, Anne Arundel County April Frazier Camara, President and CEO Immediate Past Chair, ABA Criminal Justice Section Lauren-Brooke Eisen, Senior Director, Justice Program, Brennan Center for Justice Rich Gibson, Jr., Esq, State’s Attorney for Howard County Michael Harrison, Commissioner, Baltimore City Police Department Mona Sahaf, Deputy Director, Vera Institute of Justice Clipper A/B/C
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