2022 Judicial Education Course Catalog

SEPTEMBER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 “Is It Because I Am Black?”: Disproportionality and Disparity in the Courtroom 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. African Americans are incarcerated in state prisons across the country at more than five times the rate of whites, and at least ten times the rate in five states. In 2014, Maryland led all states with blacks being 72% of all persons sent to jail. This is especially troubling when African Americans only make up ~30% of Marylanders. Brown, poor, and LGBTQ persons do not measure much better, and are more likely to be sent to jail than their white counterparts. How do judges play a part in these disparities? What are judges missing? What biases underlie our self-proclaimed equal treatment of defendants? More importantly, how do we get better and minimize the disparity in the courtroom? Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Zuberi B. Williams Faculty: TBD OCTOBER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 Emerging Issues and Enhancing Judicial Skills in Domestic Violence Proceedings 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. This full-day session will provide an overview of emerging issues in domestic violence proceedings, including stalking, common stalking dynamics and offender characteristics. Faculty will discuss the link between stalking and other crimes such as intimate partner violence and the increased risk of violence and lethality that intimate partner stalking victims face, today. This course will include a participant discussion about lethality assessment instruments and identifying the broad range of risk factors in domestic violence cases. Hot topics will include: Legislative updates, ERPO, firearms surrender, and bail review hearings. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge James H. Green Faculty: Judge Ada E. Clark-Edwards; Judge Catherine C. O’Malley; Jennifer Landhuis, SPARC; Lisa J. Nitsch, House of Ruth Maryland

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 The Law of Competency and Criminal Responsibility — A View from Within OFF-SITE / Jessup, MD 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Is the defendant competent? If not, is he restorable? Was the defendant criminally responsible at the time the offense occurred? This course will explore, primarily through the eyes of subject matter experts, how a judge can address these and other issues (and mentally ill defendants, generally) with greater confidence and understanding. Take a tour of a State hospital. Observe/review a mock competency interview with a patient and his doctor. Understand what a doctor does to determine criminal responsibility or to restore competency. Understand what goes into a hospital discharge plan. Gain greater insight on what to do inside a courtroom by understanding what goes on outside of the courtroom at the State hospital. Join us and get an insightful view from within... Enrollment Max: 10 Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Marina L. Sabett Faculty: Judge James H. Green; Judge Fred S. Hecker; Doctors/Staff of Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 Beyond the Basics of Business and Technology 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Take the mystery out of business and technology cases with this one-day, interactive course. Two panels of experienced jurists and practitioners will address key aspects of business and technology cases. Panel members will discuss everything from the formation and types of entities frequently encountered in B&T cases, the application of statutory and common law duties of officers, directors and managing members, to the process of obtaining court approval of the settlement, and everything in between. The course will assist Maryland judges in better analyzing the duties of stockholders and managing members and the rights of minority stockholders and minority members. The course also will focus upon the statutory and common law remedies available in Maryland in the event of a breach and highlight recent Maryland caselaw developments (with examples from Delaware and other jurisdictions, where Maryland caselaw is silent). Coordinator: Judge Ronald B. Rubin Faculty: Judge James R. Eyler (Ret.); Richard Scott Gordon, Esq.; Steven Gould; James Hanks

for your commitment to Judicial Education! Thank you ha

Honorable Lisa A. Hall Johnson District Court in Prince George’s County

Judicial College of Maryland


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