2022 Judicial Education Course Catalog
AUGUST THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 What You See is What They Get: Boys’ Juvenile Facility Tour OFF-SITE / Victor Cullen Center | Sabillasville, MD 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. What are the Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) facilities that house, educate, and treat youth committed under CJP Title 3-8A like? Who are the youth placed there? And, maybe most importantly, which youth are best served by what type of facility? This program will tackle those questions and more, through a tour of a facility. Then, in the “let’s discuss” portion of the program, DJS and facility staff will address the process from referral and placement, through home passes and reentry. All questions and topics will be welcome for discussion. Coordinators: Sarah R. Kaplan, Esq.; Abigail Hill, Esq. Faculty: Betsy Fox Tolentino, Assistant Secretary of Community Operations, DJS, and James Johnston, Director of Legislation and Policy, DJS, and other facility and DJS staff
TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 When Federal Immigration Laws and State Family Laws Intersect: The Impact on State Family Court Proceedings 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Addressing immigration issues raised by litigants can present challenges for state court judges. This half-day course will provide Maryland judges and magistrates with an overview of the most common immigration law related issues that arise in family court cases, and will provide legally accurate information on immigration law protections. Topics to be covered include: Best practices for addressing immigration issues that arise in custody, protection order, divorce, child support and child welfare proceedings, Violence Against Women Act confidentiality and discovery; identifying victims and children who qualify for immigration relief; an overview of the court’s role in Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, U and T visa cases; and how to access information about the full range of state and federal government funded services and public benefits immigrant crime victims and immigrant children are legally eligible to receive. Attendees receive training materials, resources and tools that judges and courts can turn to as issues arise, and will learn about judge-to-judge technical assistance available on the intersection of federal immigration laws and state family laws. Coordinator/Faculty: Leslye Orloff Faculty: Judge Lora J. Livingston; Judge Cathy H. Serrette From Pasadena To Paris...What You Need To Know About Custody Cases With An International Twist 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. What laws are in place to help prevent a child’s abduction, return an abducted child, or recognize and enforce a foreign court order? What should be considered when docketing and scheduling a complex international case? Should you appoint a lawyer for the child (and what precisely will that lawyer do)? Can you send this complicated case to the court mediation program? Will your court order even be recognized in another country? Join us for an informative panel that will present actual case studies and walk you through all of the resources you need, the reading of the laws, how to craft solid court orders, how to address communication with foreign courts, and what evidence you actually need to look for. Coordinator: Magistrate Lili Khozeimeh Faculty: Michael S. Coffee, Esq.; Melissa A. Kucinski, Esq.
Thank you to our Mighty Magistrates!
Magistrate Wendy S. Epstein
Circuit Court for Baltimore County
Magistrate Troy K. Hill Circuit Court for Baltimore City
for your commitment to Judicial Education! Thank you ha
Honorable Lawrence P. Fletcher-Hill Circuit Court for Baltimore City
Magistrate Julie A. Minner Circuit Court for Frederick County
Judicial College of Maryland
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