2022 Judicial Education Course Catalog

THURSDAY, MARCH 10 Impact Criminal Cases 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

THURSDAY, MARCH 17 The Opioid Crisis: Conveying Scientific Concepts to a Judicial Audience 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. The ongoing opioid epidemic is among the worst public health crises this country has ever experienced. While all 50 states are affected, Maryland has been hit especially hard. The ABA Journal states that “judges nationwide have become first responders in the opioid epidemic.” Cases related to opioid addiction appear in criminal, civil, family courts, and others. Join in on the conversation to learn more about: The neuroscience of opioid addiction; treatment of opioid addiction and the treatment of pain; The sociology, history, and demographics of opioid addiction; The behavioral consequences of opioid addiction; and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. This seminar is sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and we encourage you to register for this critical and informative program. Coordinator/Faculty: Alain G. Norman, Esq. Faculty: Joel Ericsen TUESDAY, MARCH 22 The Law of Competency and Criminal Responsibility — A View from Within OFF-SITE / Catonsville, MD 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Is the defendant competent? If not, is he restorable? Was the defendant criminally responsible at the time the offense occurred? This course will explore, primarily through the eyes of subject matter experts, how a judge can address these and other issues (and mentally ill defendants, generally) with greater confidence and understanding. Take a tour of a State hospital. Observe/review a mock competency interview with a patient and his doctor. Understand what a doctor does to determine criminal responsibility or to restore competency. Understand what goes into a hospital discharge plan. Gain greater insight on what to do inside a courtroom by understanding what goes on outside of the courtroom at the State hospital. Join us and get an insightful view from within... Enrollment Max: 20 Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Marina L. Sabett Faculty: Judge James H. Green; Judge Aileen Oliver; Dr. Marie Rose Alam & Dr. Khalid El-Sayed, Spring Grove Hospital Center

Time to work out those criminal law muscles. Whether it’s because you’re currently presiding over family, civil, or juvenile cases, or you want to take your criminal routine to the next level, this class is for you. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Douglas R. M. Nazarian Faculty: Judge Julie R. Rubin; Judge E. Gregory Wells

Evidence in Criminal Cases 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

This course will review new developments (case law, statutory, technological) that affect evidence issues in criminal trials, recurring issues that present difficulties in resolution, and practical considerations in handling evidence issues in the courtroom. We will analyze case scenarios that provide an opportunity to grapple with these issues. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge W. Michel Pierson (Ret.) Faculty: Judge Jennifer B. Schiffer; Professor David Jaros

TUESDAY, MARCH 15 Courthouse Culture – Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Circuit courts are challenged by the dynamics of state and county employees in one building with different roles (administrative judge, clerk of court, court administrator, and sheriff). We all perform services for the Maryland Judiciary but can have conflicting responsibilities and priorities. How can we identify common goals and collaborate better? The administrative judge’s staff, clerk’s staff, court administrator, security, and other community partners are all critical for the proper function of the court. Yet all too often, court leaders can lose sight of that fact in the midst of reporting, full dockets, paperwork, service to the public, emergencies, and all the other necessary communication and daily work. As court leaders, we are generally shown deference that we do not always consider when interacting with all court employees or the impact this may have on justice in our courts. Through interactive exercises, we will explore these challenges through an open dialogue format. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Jennifer B. Schiffer Faculty: Amy Craig, Clerk of Court Dorchester County; Joy Keller, Court Administrator Dorchester & Somerset Counties

Honorable Pamila J. Brown Thank you! T y for your commitment to Judicial Education! Thank you Tha

District Court in Howard County

2022 Judicial Education Course Catalog


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