2022 Judicial Education Course Catalog
FEBRUARY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Impact Civil Cases 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 Master of Your Domain: Courtroom Management for Magistrates 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Learning to manage and run a courtroom is a skill that takes practice, experience, and knowledge to perfect. This course will endeavor to teach new (and seasoned) magistrates tactics for running a courtroom, how to manage the length of hearings, docket control, transitioning to being a neutral decision-maker, preparing and issuing written reports and recommendations for all types of hearings, drafting appropriate orders, avoiding exceptions, making oral rulings/recommendations, dealing with self-represented litigants, preparation for court, and handling chambers conferences. Coordinator: Magistrate Stenise L. Rolle Faculty: Judge Judy L. Woodall; Magistrate Erica J. Wolfe
An old but relevant favorite: A trio of appellate judges catch you up on recent, important civil cases from the Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals. Participants will be challenged to consider how their future decisions may be impacted as a result of this course. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Kevin F. Arthur Faculty: Judge Jonathan Biran; Judge E. Gregory Wells
Civil Evidence Law: Judges Get Reversed; Lawyers Don’t 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
THURSDAY, MARCH 3 Treatment and Behavioral Health: What All Judges Need to Know OFF-SITE / Crownsville, MD 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
We’ve all been there. An inartful evidence objection is made following an equally inartful witness examination. You make your ruling and hope you understood what the issue was. This course will examine commonly confused and misapplied evidence rules to ensure that you are well- prepared to make informed, clear rulings and won’t fall victim to muddled lawyering. Get it right, help your jury, and protect your record. Voila! Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Lawrence P. Fletcher-Hill MARCH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 Alternate Dispute Resolution Techniques and the Judicial Role in Settlement Conferences 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This interactive course will provide dispute resolution tools you can use in settlement/pretrial conferences, starting with careful listening to identify perspectives of the participants and their attorneys and using that information to guide a productive settlement conversation, and learning to identify and overcome various obstacles to settlement. Coordinator: Judge Bibi M. Berry Faculty: Judge Diane O. Leasure (Ret.); Cecilia B. Paizs, Esq.
This highly interactive course will include an insider’s tour of the Gaudenzia Crownsville Residential Treatment facility. What is it really like on the inside of residential drug treatment? How effective is residential treatment? How long does it take for an effective residential treatment experience? How do you determine who is amenable to residential treatment? What is aftercare and how important is it to the long-term success of a patient? How do you measure the success of short/long term residential treatment? This course will address the role of the judge in approving and monitoring the success or failure of residential treatment. The principles of science that require “continuity of care and supervision” will be discussed and emphasized. It will enable judges to better understand and support defendants who participate in residential treatment. Judges will see peer-to-peer discussions about the experience of residential treatment and the management of the addicted individual during residential treatment, including the importance of aftercare. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Stacy W. McCormack Faculty: TBD
Thank you! k ! for your commitment to Judicial Education! Thank you ha k
Honorable Vicki Ballou-Watts
Circuit Court for Baltimore County
Judicial College of Maryland
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