2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog



Judges, Sentencing, & Prisons – What Am I Doing?

OFFSITE — JESSUP 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Innovating Help in Times of Crisis — Crisis Response 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

“From this point forth, we shall be leaving the firm foundation of fact and journeying together through the murky marshes of memory into thickets of wildest guesswork.” If those words of Professor Albus Dumbledore reflect how you sometimes feel when you impose a sentence of incarceration, this is the course for you. What happens when the sentenced defendant is led from your courtroom? What is prison really like on the inside? How much of your sentence will the defendant actually spend incarcerated? What services are available to incarcerated individuals? This innovative, interactive coursewill include an insider’s tour of the Jessup Correctional Institution, a maximum security correctional facility. It will also feature addresses by and discussions with corrections officials and service providers, along with the opportunity for a peer-to-peer and a possible discussion panel with current inmates of the facility. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and social distancing protocol, the institution and location for this course is subject to change. Enrollment Max: 12 Coordinator: Alicia Y. Coleman, Department of Public

The Crisis Response System (CRS) stands out as one of the most innovative crisis systems in Maryland. Individuals with mental health and substance use disorders who are experiencing a crisis have traditionally been treated in costly and inefficient hospital emergency departments or have become incarcerated.Torespondtothegrowingneedforcrisis services, including the desire to serve individuals in the least restrictive setting, the Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency (AACMHA) developed the CRS to provide an array of behavioralhealthoptionsandsupportforindividualsindistress. Judges interested in learning of the many different services that can be provided including care coordination and critical time intervention, (CTI) should attend this program. Faculty will detail what Crisis Teams do and how they can be of help to the trial judge in their daily docket. With criminal, juvenile, and family dockets that are driven by mental health and drug-related issues, it is critical that effective resources can be brought to the table on short notice. This course will also addresstheimpactoftheCOVID-19crisis. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Ronald A. Silkworth (Ret.) Faculty: Jennifer Corbin, Director of Crisis Response; Lieutenant Steven Thomas The influx of self-proclaimed “Sovereign Citizens” and “MoorishNationals”intoMarylandCourtshascreatedahostof challenges for judges. What do you do when confronted with a personwho claims they are immune fromstate and federal law? Who denies the legitimacy of the courts, the prosecutor, and the police? How do you address the bogus lawsuits, false liens, and other “paperwork” flooding the clerk’s office? This class will explore the definition and history of the two related but distinct groups, review consent and jurisdictional issues that arise, highlight recurrent themes, and provide pointers and best practices for addressing the legal and security issues raised by the presence of sovereign citizens and Moorish Nationalsinthecourtroomandthecourthouse. Coordinator: Judge Erik H. Nyce Faculty: Judge Dana M. Middleton; Keith G. Bageant, Chief of Security Sovereign Citizens 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Safety & Correctional Services Faculty: Prison Administrators

The Law of Competency & Criminal Responsibility Commitments OFFSITE — CATONSVILLE 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

TUE 13

This course is amust if youwant tounderstandwhat happens to a defendant once you sign a commitment order to the Department of Health. Participants will tour the Spring Grove Hospital Center and will attend an information session provided by the hospital’s clinicians and staff. The session will focus on the most commonly-diagnosedmental disorders. In addition,wewill discuss receivingandprocessingcourt orders, the admission process, case management standards, current practices, and aftercare plan development. The afternoon sessionwill provideanoverviewof the lawof competency and criminal responsibility, as well as tips and best practices on handlingdefendantswithmentalhealthissues. Enrollment Max: 12 Coordinators: Judge James H. Green; Judge Rachel E. Skolnik; Judge Marina L. Sabett Faculty: Mental & Behavioral Health Administrators


Judicial College of Maryland

Remote Course

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