2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
FRI 26
Training of Trainers: FacultyDevelopmentWorkshop 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. One-Day Training of Trainers (TOT) that
This two-day, intensive course is the anticipated Part Two of the 2020 New Trial Judge Orientation (NTJO) and is a requirement for all graduates of the NTJO Residential Program Class of 2020. Day one will include exploration of case time management and the judge’s responsibility in ensuring timely resolution of cases on their dockets. It will also include instruction of topics selected by the NTJO participants. Day two will include additional coursework and a field trip to a local museum to explore the law and judge's role in our collective history and its impact on our current judicial system. NEWTRIAL JUDGE UPDATE May 20 & 21
provides foundational training on the four learning styles of the adult learner, howadults learn best, and strategies for engaging theadultlearner. Coordinator/Faculty: Stacey A. Saunders, Assistant State Court Administrator, Judicial College of Maryland Faculty: Judicial College Leadership
Justice & the Survivor: The Judicial Role in Domestic Violence Cases 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
TUE 30
A domestic violence case can be a virtual field of land mines causingmanyjudgestobeapprehensiveintheirdecisionmaking. This interactive course is designed to help the new and veteran judge navigate the field of domestic violence through exercises designed to identify and promote discussions on factual, legal, procedural and resource issues which frequently arise in both criminal and civilmatters. This coursewill not only focus on the dynamics of intimate partner violence, but also on the current challenges and controversial issues inherent in a domestic violencecase including, but not limited to, batterer intervention, immigration, samesexrelationships, victimautonomy, handgun
use(andconsequences),andchildcustody. Coordinator: Judge Catherine C. O’Malley Faculty: Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell
2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
Off-Site Course 15
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