2021 Judicial Conference Program
Juvenile Law Committee Hon. Michael J. Stamm, Chair
The Juvenile Law Committee provides guidance and recommendations regarding policies, rules, and legislation surrounding juvenile law, including juvenile justice and child welfare. The Committee also recommends policies, rules, and legislation that improve the effective administration of juvenile law
Hon. Anne Albright, Hon. Sherrie R. Bailey, Hon. Daniel Dwyer, Hon. Robert Kershaw, Hon. Matthew A. Maciarello, Hon. Karen Mason, Hon. Jane Murray, Hon. William V. Tucker, and Magistrate Erica J. Wolfe. Richard Abbott, Hope Gary, Abigail Hill, and Sarah R. Kaplan, Staff.
Foster Care Court Improvement Program Subcommittee Hon. Anne Albright, Chair Child Welfare Education Work Group – Hon. Yolanda Tanner, Chair Outreach and Programming Work Group – Hon. William O. Carr, Chair Representation Resource Work Group – Hon. Cheryl McCally, Chair FCCIP Pandemic Plan of Action Work Group - Hon. Anne Albright, Chair
Juvenile Justice Subcommittee Hon. William V. Tucker, Chair Juvenile Forms Working Group – Hon. William V. Tucker, Chair
Juvenile Rules Work Group Magistrate Erica J. Wolfe, Chair
Truancy Court Work Group Hons. Mark Chandlee and Robert Kershaw, Co-Chairs
The Juvenile Law Committee’s focus is providing guidance and direction regarding policies, rules, and legislation impacting juvenile law, including juvenile justice and child welfare. In addition to the work through and with subcommittees and work groups, in 2020, the committee’s work included: Legislation During the 2020 legislative session, the committee reviewed juvenile justice and child welfare related bills and provided positions for the Judiciary’s consideration. Following the session, the committee provided guidance to courts around implementation of 2020 HB 36, Ch 35, Juvenile Proceedings - Fines, Fees, and Costs. Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM) The committee continued to support discussion and collaboration with the CYPM, which is seeking to improve the agencies and court responses to children who are involved with both the child welfare and delinquency systems. Juvenile Rules Work Group This work group was established to assist in development of a revision of the juvenile court rules currently contained in Maryland Rules, Title 11, Juvenile Causes. The work is based on the work of the Juvenile Rules Work Group established by the Rules Committee. The proposed rules will be in five chapters that reflect the division between CINA and other juvenile proceedings as set out in Maryland Code, Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, Title 3. A completed draft of four chapters was submitted to Judge Wilner and review by the Rules Committee’s Juvenile Subcommittee will begin in December. Truancy Court Work Group The committee, with the Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, established this joint work group to advise both Committees concerning: (1) the various court-related programs within the State which address truancy, including Truancy Reduction Pilot Program courts, truancy reduction efforts in District Courts, and the University of Baltimore Truancy Court Program; and (2) whether changes
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