2021 Judicial Conference Program

Court Technology Committee Hon. Fred Hecker, Chair Hon. Margaret Schweitzer, Vice Chair


The Court Technology Committee ensures the technology operations of the Judiciary are efficient and effective and provides advice and guidance regarding the implementation of technology and its impact on judicial operations and functions.


Hon. L. Robert Cooper, Rose Day, Hon. James Eyler, Faye Gaskin (ex officio), Hon. Katherine Hager, Pamela Harris (ex officio), Joy Keller, and Hon. John Morrissey (ex officio). Robert Bruchalski, Staff.


CaseSearch / Data Request Subcommittee – Hon. Margaret Schweitzer, Chair Joint Subcommittee on Communications and Access to Judicial Information – Hon. Thurman Rhodes, Chair Non-Case Record Automation Subcommittee – Hon. Susan Braniecki, Chair eWarrant Work Group – Hon. Norman Stone, Chair Remote Hearings Work Group – Hon. Fred Hecker, Chair

(Reporting Period – October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020)


Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams is a new collaboration tool that can be used to share documents and host video and teleconferences. It is integrated with Microsoft Office and can be used instead of Skype and SharePoint. The committee piloted the use of the Teams product and it gained popularity and use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Microsoft expanded its original videoconferencing capabilities to show more meeting participants in the video grid.


Security Policy The Security Policy underwent its annual reviewed and update. The policy applies to any system connecting to the JIS network. The policy follows the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework of standards, guidelines and practices built to manage cybersecurity-related risk. A review and comparison to the latest Maryland Department of Information Technology (DoIT) Security Manual is also performed to ensure consistency with those standards. There were two revisions for the 2020 policy. Section 5.1 Risk Management was updated to document the acceptance of risk position and Section 14 Software Licenses and Use was clarified to prohibit installation of software on Judiciary owned PC and laptops. Security Education and Awareness Program Update Due to some contracting issues, the previous software program was replaced to conduct the quarterly security education and awareness training. The new program (MediaPro) was procured and implemented. The program continues to be popular and successful though the schedule has been a little askew due to the new program implementation and COVID isolation .

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