2021 Judicial Conference Program

3. Use Resources Wisely

Work to enhance the equitable distribution of resources across the Judiciary to ensure that all courts have access to similar programs and services. Action Items: • Continue to provide training for completing grants applications, and for administering grants. • Work with the vendor on implementation requirements for grants management software to streamline the grants process and continue training staff. • Periodically evaluate Courthouse Equity Tier 1 and Tier 2 components to help ensure equity in grants and the grant process. • Develop recommendations for pay equity in grant-funded positions. Case Management Subcommittee The Case Management Subcommittee reviewed 18 Time Standard policy issues from the two trial courts. The subcommittee approved three issues to bring before the Judicial Council. Two of these issues were approved by the Judicial Council. 1. The case time standard for Family Law Article Section 15-1409 (TPR Rape Survivor Act) shall be measured and reported based upon the same standard as the Family Law case type (12 months). 2. For CINA shelter care cases, there will be a new MDEC code and case suspension for good cause shown not to exceed 30 days for the safety of the child in conformity with the Court and Judicial Proceedings Article 3-815 (c)(4). The proposal for amoratoriumwas carefully consideredby the Judicial Council, but ultimately not accepted. The subcommitteewill not be required to consider proposals that would violate a statutory provisionorMarylandRule. The subcommitteeworked tomake recommendations onbacklogs andother delays due to theCOVID-19 emergency. Forms Subcommittee The Forms Subcommittee and its work groups (Circuit Court, Criminal Traffic, Civil, Form Consistency, Guide and File, and Guide & File Review and Testing) have completed the following during the period from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020. Revised forms, a description of the change, a redline draft showing the revisions, and version control instructions can be found on the New and Revised Forms Index. SUBCOMMITTEES AND WORK GROUPS


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