2021 Judicial Conference Program
Consistent with the goals/standards set forth in the Judiciary’s Strategic Plan, the committee will implement the following actions in the coming year: 1. Improve Systems and Processes
Identify, evaluate, and implement the best of new technologies to improve communications.
Action Item: Pilot jury text message notifications across the state.
Encourage and improve communications among courts to enhance and standardize coordination of policies and procedures within the Judiciary. Action Items: • A process for reviewing DCM templates and DCM plans will be established. The Court Operations and Technology Committees will continue to collaborate in monitoring the management of cases as MDEC is implemented. • A Clerks’ Manual will be drafted and released in sections as they are approved. • Updated Reserved Case Report instructions will be developed, and electronic reporting will be tested. • Develop best practices for court reporters and finalize the draft administrative order. Standardize case flow processes and codes as the electronic case management system, MDEC, continues to be launched statewide. Action Item: Work with JIS to further integrate case flow standards with MDEC throughout its implementation. Explore the possibility of creating an Expungement Unit that will be solely responsible for the processing of expungements. Continuously review and improve upon case time standards by which the court experience can be measured at every level of Maryland’s courts. Action Items: • The Case Management Subcommittee will continue to review caseflow assessment performance results for the trial and appellate courts. Trial and appellate court time standards will be reviewed. • Review court backlogs, pursuant to Chief Judge Barbera’s Administrative Order on Time Standards and Related Reports dated May 1, 2020. Improve the public’s access to data by posting relevant workload and performance statistics on the Judiciary’s website. Action Items: • Develop MDEC CourTools reporting measures and continue to refine the CourTools measures on the data dashboard. • Post the online user satisfaction survey and administer Access and Fairness Surveys in trial courts. Action Item: Research and identify possible requirements to create such a unit. 2. Be Accountable
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