2025 Judicial Education Course Catalog

Impact Civil Cases 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.


This course will discuss the most important civil cases decided by Maryland’s appellate courts in the most recent 12-month period. The course includes interactive components that require the application of the legal principles in those cases to hypothetical cases that the participant may encounter. Coordinator: Hon. Kevin Arthur NOVEMBER 7 Post-Judgment Changes in District Court with Hon. Danielle Mosley

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 OFF SITE: FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE Adoption Law In Maryland - Adoption Competence from the Bench 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Adoptions currently fall under the same Family Law statute but have different considerations. There are adult, stepparent, second parent, three parent, interstate private, intrastate private agency, in-state private agency, and out-of-state private agency and public agency adoptions. This program will provide step-by step instructions on identifying and assessing each type of adoption, consensual and non consensual (contested). In addition, it will cover cases where a surrogacy transitions to an adoption, ICPC, ICWA, unknown birth fathers or multiple alleged birth fathers (or legal and birth father in the same case), expenses paid in adoption, conflict of laws and other issues that will be reviewed giving each participant a strong foundation in how to approach these cases. Coordinator: Hon. Jennifer Fairfax THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 OFF SITE: FREDERICK COMMUNITY COLLEGE Sustained or overruled? Trial judges need to make these calls with speed and accuracy. This course will be a refresher on some of the basics and explore more esoteric issues, a balance of practical scenarios, and more theoretical analysis. We can’t escape the joys and complexity of hearsay. Look also for authentication and maybe even some character evidence. Something for every trial judge and an appellate judge might even find something of interest! Coordinator: Hon. Lawrence Fletcher-Hill Selected Topics in Evidence 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


DECEMBER 3 Workers’ Compensation with Brandon Cooper, Esq.; David Schoenfeld, Esq.

2025 Judicial Education Course Catalog


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