2025 Judicial Education Course Catalog

for Judges

TechTalks for Judges: Mastering Audio Controls in Zoom and Teams* This 20-minute TechTalk covers an overview of the functionality for the audio controls features in both Zoom and Teams. A special focus on adjusting and testing audio controls when switching between Zoom and Teams is especially helpful for those that use both applications to perform their duties within the Judiciary. Zoom for Government: Getting Started with Remote Proceedings* This 90-minute online course provides guided instruction and hands-on practice with Zoom for Government waiting room and participant management, breakout room configuration for conversations off the record, and document sharing. Tips for minimizing and expediently ending audio and visual distractions are also included. Zoom for Government: Interpretation in Remote Proceedings* Using Zoom for Government to conduct remote proceedings is standard for courts throughout the state. When required, the interpretation feature can be used to provide simultaneous interpretation for lengthy motions, opening statements, witness testimony, etc. This workshop offers hands-on instruction in the management of this feature. The intended audience is judges, magistrates, and court staff supporting remote proceedings. With the diversity in our state and your local jurisdiction, this is an essential skill set worth obtaining. *These Technology Education courses do not count towards the required fifteen (15) Continuing Education credit hours. Search a keyword in CONNECT to locate these courses. september 18 september 25 June 11

MDEC: Judge Edition Essentials* This 90-minute online course provides an overview of Judge Edition’s streamlined interface for viewing electronic case information. Through hands-on training and personalized instruction, this course covers steps for organizing dockets, bookmarking document pages, and adding case and document-specific notes for ease of reference. This 90-minute online course provides an overview of Judge Edition’s streamlined interface for viewing electronic case information. Through hands-on training and personalized instruction, this course covers steps for organizing dockets, bookmarking document pages, and adding case and document-specific notes for ease of reference. MDEC: Conquering Chambers Work Hands On Tasks and Document Annotations* This 90-minute online course provides hands-on practice in the completion of chambers work using Odyssey’s tasks features. Through guided step-by step practice exercises, participants gain new skills in navigating queues, annotating documents, and moving tasks for docketing. Participants will also receive guided practice in uploading documents, merging forms, and creating new tasks. Sr. Judge Technology Day October 16th 2025 The event will include a host of topics and allotted time to complete assigned quarterly training, including JIS security training and judicial ethics (if you have not done so). We will have booths for quick demonstrations and assistance on several topics within the Judiciary. Earn SIX HOURS towards Continuing Education credits by attending Sr. Judge Technology Day! EC: Judge Edition Essentials* 0-minute online course provides an ove e Edition’s streamlined int ic case info December 18 November 13

2025 Judicial Education Course Catalog


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