2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog
November THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Nuts and Bolts and Best Practices CINA D I & 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. A Child in Need of Assistance (“CINA”) proceeding can be the most important contact a child will ever have with the judicial process, and as a result the proceedings are covered by a complex set of state and federal requirements. This course will cover the basics of a properly conducted CINA proceeding. The course will discuss the procedural requirements, required findings, family recover, and the aftermath of CINA proceedings. It will also address best practices in the conduct of a proceedings. Coordinator: Hon. Stephen Sfekas
December TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3 Overview in Domestic Violence D I & 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
A domestic violence case can be a virtual field of land mines that causes many judges to be apprehensive in their decision making. This interactive course is designed to help the new and veteran judge navigate the field of domestic violence through exercises designed to identify and promote discussions on factual, legal, procedural and resource issues which frequently arise in both criminal and civil matters. This course will not only focus on the dynamics of intimate partner violence, but also on the current challenges and controversial issues inherent in a domestic violence case including, but not limited to, batterer intervention, immigration, same sex relationships, victim autonomy, handgun use (and consequences), and child custody. Coordinator: Hon. James Green
Sunday 17 Friday 22 – November
Held annually, this five-and-a-half day New Trial Judge Orientation residential program gives newly-appointed judges the foundational tools they need to be successful when serving on and off the bench. This intensive, educational program includes sessions with judicial experts, field trips, and networking sessions.
Pictured above: NTJO Class of 2022 during Scavenger Hunt
Judicial College of Maryland
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