2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog
October TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 Tools for the Trauma Informed Courtroom D I & 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Studies indicate litigants in any type of case have some type of trauma. This class will focus on how the court can minimize trauma and evidence based practices and tools. Building empathy based on evidence and research, applicable to all types of cases and levels of court. Coordinator: Hon. Stacy McCormack WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 Relocation Cases 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. As if determining custody schedules is not difficult enough when parents live close to each other, let’s throw in a relocation! This course will explore the complex collection of facts and factors Judges and Magistrates must consider when determining parenting time and decision making authority when parents and children become separated by distance. The morning will be led by an experienced judge and lawyer who will explore the case law and statutes that must be applied in these types of cases. The afternoon will address the difficult decisions the court needs to make from a child-focused perspective. A well-seasoned panel of a child psychologist, a best interest attorney, and a custody evaluator will discuss issues such as: what if the children are of different developmental stages? What about the teenager with a summer job? Are video calls helpful to maintain a relationship between a toddler and far-away parent? Bring your best questions and emotional angst to a day that will better equip you to make the difficult decisions in
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 Workers’ Comp 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
“Days Since Last Injury . . . 0!” Did the worker get hurt on the forklift or mountain biking on vacation? Did the employer have enough hard hats to go around? Does anyone know what all these crazy terms actually mean, TTD, TPD, AWW, AI, OD, SIF, UEF? Can we really try a case in 12 minutes? Three tiers? Why do you see so many workers’ compensation appeals? This course will take you into the world of workers’ compensation. We will give the participants an overview of the law and process from the filing of a claim through the appellate courts. You will observe different types of commission hearings so that you gain an understanding of what occurred below before the case appears in your courtroom. During the process, Commissioner Forrester will explain what is actually occurring during the organized chaos of a commission docket. Come see examples of the fast-paced commission hearings to understand the unique nuance of workers’ compensation before the next case appears in your courtroom! Coordinators: Brandon Cooper, Esq.; David Schoenfeld, Esq.
custody cases involving relocation. Coordinators: Mag. Connie Marvel; Mag. Jamie Adkins
October 11 Addiction and the Brain with Dr. Khalid El-Sayed D I &
Lunchtime Webinars
Judicial College of Maryland
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