2024 Judicial Education Course Catalog
January THURSDAY, JANUARY 11 Experts: Current Testimony in Criminal Cases 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
figure out how to apply arcane rules of evidence with changes in technology that are occurring in warp speed. Further, look forward to evaluating with your peers the guidance given to us by the Court of Appeals… sorry, Supreme Court of Maryland… in evaluating the experts in these cutting-edge fields. Coordinator: Hon. Pamela Alban
Are you tired of getting strange looks in the courtroom when you not-so-deftly refer to “twitchats” or “facebots”? Do you sometimes wonder whether you teleported to the next millennium when anyone younger than 25 testifies in your courtroom? Do you posit that 3D printers are Xerox machines that print in blue and red and come with fancy glasses? This may be the course for you! Come hear from experts in their fields about cutting edge changes at the intersection of law and science. Learn how the best “gumshoe” detectives of the next decade will be those who know how to navigate the dark web, Google, Ancestry.com, and exploit artificial intelligence. Try to COURSE DESCRIPTIONS
Judicial College of Maryland
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