2023 Judicial Education Course Catalog

W E L C O M E to the 2023 Judicial Education Course Catalog

Dear Maryland Judges and Magistrates, We are pleased to present to you the 2023 Judicial Education Course Catalog. The Judicial Education Subcommittee and Judicial College staff are excited about the courses planned for 2023. For 2023, we are ofering 54 classes and 12 75-minute webinars. These include courses held in-person at the Maryland Judicial Center and ILDL remote courses ofered over Zoom. This is in addition to courses held in Wye Mills, Frederick, and an assortment of of-site locations (such as a mental health or drug treatment facility, a state prison, a juvenile detention facility, and the Federal Courthouse in Baltimore for another chapter in the Historical Trials series). Judges and magistrates can satisfy six (6) of their twelve (12) hour requirement through remote learning opportunities such as ILDL courses or webinars. The College is committed to ofering a wide-range curriculum, taught in an engaging manner by a diverse expert group of coordinators and faculty. This catalog represents the commitment and hard work of the Judicial Education Subcommittee and the staf of the Judicial College. Without the dedication and volunteerism of the Judicial Education Subcommittee under the leadership of Judge Bibi Berry and Judge Stephen Sfekas, we would not be able to provide the educational opportunities this catalog represents. We are grateful to these professionals for their service. The theme of this year’s catalog is the New Trial Judge Orientation (NTJO). You will find pictures on both covers and the interior of recent NTJOs, as well as a history of the NTJO program inside the catalog inspired by Judge Joseph F. Murphy, Jr. Detailed instructions for the registration process can be found in the 2023 Course Registration email. Thank you for your continued collaboration, involvement, and participation. We look forward to serving you!

Shamika M. Dent-Williams Assistant State Court Administrator, Interim Judicial College of Maryland

Peter T. Saquella, Esq. Manager Judicial Education

Peter T. Saquella, Esq. Manager peter.saquella@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3657 Pamela T. Vaughan ProgramManager pamela.vaughan@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3771 STAFF Judicial Education

Benjamin N. Charlick, Esq. Assistant Manager benjamin.charlick@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3599 Zipporah C. Williams, J.D., MAT ProgramManager zipporah.williams@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3613

Lisa Kumer Administrative Office Specialist lisa.kumer@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3625 Jasmine N. Towns Educational Design Coordinator jasmine.towns@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3653

Central Office

Elizabeth Taylor College Registrar educationregistrar@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3573

Central Office: 410-260-3660 Judicial Education: 410-260-3655 judicialeducation@mdcourts.gov


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