2023 Judicial Education Course Catalog
FEBRUARY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Navigating CINA Cases: Required Findings & the Facts We Need to Get There 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This course will highlight best practices and strategies for the successful management of CINA hearings. Participants will receive updated information to allow them to comply with the required findings for each stage of a CINA hearing. Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss with other judges and magistrates strategies and practices for successful court hearings Coordinator: Judge Yolanda A. Tanner Faculty: Magistrate Erica J. Wolfe; Magistrate Neeta Kataria; Assistant Attorney General Janet F. Hartge Waivers Up & Transfers Down: Law, Process & Practice (Juvenile Transfers) 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. One of the most difficult decisions a judge will make during their career is to decide whether to waive a minor up to adult court or transfer the child down to the juvenile court. This course will provide an up-to-date overview of the statutes and case law that is implicated in such decision making. During the course the current application and import of Davis v. State (474 Md. 439) will be discussed. Moreover, participants will be presented with three fact patterns and reports to allow for thought provoking small group and panel discussion. Lastly, this course will provide information on how implicit bias may affect such decisions and will also touch upon adolescent brain development and other factors that should be considered during appropriate waiver/transfer/sentencing decision-making. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Matthew A. Maciarello Faculty: James Johnston, Esq., Gavin Patashnik, Esq., Scott A. Beal, Cory Fink, Bill Harper
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 UCCJEA & UIFSA: Nuts & Bolts 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Do you have jurisdiction? Whether you have never heard of UCCJEA or UIFSA, or you once know this stuff cold, but could use a refresher, this course will tackle the nuts & bolts of these statutes and discuss the leading cases which have applied them. Learners will experience the basics and nuances of UCCJEA and UIFSA jurisdiction, from initial jurisdiction, to modification, to enforcement, focusing on the practical application of these statutes for judges and magistrates. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Fred S. Hecker Faculty: Judge Kendra Y. Ausby; Judge Steven G. Salant THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Effective Language Access in the Maryland Courts: A Skills-Building Course for Judges 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Judges and magistrates play a key role in promoting effective language access in the courts -- both in their management of the courtroom and in the administration of the court. This course will provide judges the information they need to ensure effective language access for all. Topics will include managing an interpreted event, managing a jury trial with an interpreter, how to manage fast speakers in the courtroom, cultural competency, and equipment, tools and resources to help the court respond effectively to the needs of the limited English proficient (LEP) and deaf or hard of hearing individuals, improving language access in all areas of the courthouse, and responding to emergency requests for language assistance. The course will also cover how to handle situations that arise when using court interpreters, will clarify the role of the interpreter, how to deal with interpreter errors, interpreter fatigue, and ethical issues to be considered. The course will be presented in an interactive format with simulated interpreter settings to aid judges in practicing the skills learned. Coordinator: Pamela Ortiz Faculty: Ksenia Boitsova; Xiomara Iglesias
2023 Judicial Education Course Catalog
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