2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog



The Effects on Children Exposed to Domestic Violence 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Immigration Today: SIJS, VAWA, T-Visa, & U-Visa 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. In the United States, immigration issues are in the

Achilddoesnot have tobephysically touchedbyadomestically violent parent to be injured, either physically or emotionally. Many legal decision-makers continue to apply an outdated view that only physical abuse of a child should be considered inmakingcustodyandaccessdecisions.Thiscoursewillreview the latest neuro-biological and psychological research on the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of exposure to domesticviolenceonchildrenofalldevelopmentalstagesand methods to promote resilience in children after exposure to domestic violence. Participants will have a fuller appreciation ofthebestinterestsofchildrenindomesticallyviolentfamilies whenevaluatingcustodyandaccess issues. Theywill alsogain anunderstandingofapproachestocraftingcustodyandaccess ordersthataccountsforchildren'ssafetyandresiliency. Coordinator/Faculty: Deena Hausner, Esq. Faculty: Dorothy J. Lennig, Esq.; Paul C. Berman, Ph.D.; Katherine W. Killeen, Ph.D.

THU 7 forefront of national news and debate. Maryland is no exception. Judges andmagistrates struggle with the interaction between state and federal lawandprocess,especiallywhereabusedorneglectedchildren,trafficking, and violence coalesce. This three-hour, interactive presentation given by local and national experts in the fieldwill help clarify the issues and give guidance for managing trials and hearings involving Special Immigrant JuvenileStatus(SIJS),VAWA,T-Visa,andU-Visamatters. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Cynthia Callahan Faculty: Judge Rosemary Collins (Ret.); Jose Blanco, Esq.; Leslye E. Orloff, Esq Awarding & Calculating Child Support Childsupportcalculationsmayseemstraightforwardandformulaic,but litigants and courts often arrive at different amounts due to variations in theway income is calculated. Child support determinations become more complicated when the parties' combined incomes are "above guidelines." Determining child support with two W-2 wage earners is simple.Butwhathappenswhenonepartyisreceivingdisability?Orwhen a party's stated income does not match their lifestyle?Whenwemove beyondW-2 earners, howdoes the trier of fact address S Corp income, deferred compensation, rental income, gifts, or the contributions of cohabitants? This course will offer education on relevant cases and statutes, and allow the participants an opportunity to practice child support calculations and discuss the reasons for variations among the determinationsbasedonanassessmentofdifferentfactpatterns. Coordinator/Faculty: Rebecca A. Fleming, Esq. Faculty: Magistrate Monise A. Brown; Mary Roby Sanders, Esq. in Family Matters 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m. Disputes between parents and third parties are litigated on a frequent basis. There are numerous factors to consider in third-party litigation. We will explore the principles governing third-party custody and third-party visitation, the test established in Conover v. Conover to determine the existence of de facto parenthood, and the considerations used to determineunfitnessof aparent orwhether exceptional circumstances exist. The Constitution provides parents with the right to raise their childrenfreefromunwarrantedinterferencebytheState.Consequently, it is vitally important for a JudgeorMagistrate tounderstand themany considerations which must be made in order to resolve a third party custodycase. Coordinator: Magistrate Connie G. Marvel Faculty: Judge Mary Margaret Kent Third Party Custody Issue 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

THU 14

Nuts & Bolts of Family Formation 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. More and more, prospective parents turn to

adoption,artificialreproductivetechnologies,andcollaborative reproduction. Courts must have a working knowledge of the challenges, rights, and responsibilities that flow from these andotheravenues tocreatinga family. Thiscoursewill provide trial court judges with a basic understanding of assisted family formation. The faculty is well-versed in the medical, psychological, and legal hurdles that these families face. Coordinators: Judge Deborah S. Eyler (Ret.); Jennifer Fairfax, Esq. Faculty: MiriamH. Sievers, Esq.; Margaret E. Swain, Esq.

FRI 15 Training of Trainers: Faculty Development Workshop 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

One-Day Training of Trainers (TOT) that provides foundational trainingon the four learning styles of the adult learner, how adults learn best, and strategies for engaging theadultlearner. Coordinator/Faculty: Stacey A. Saunders, Assistant State Court Administrator, Judicial College of Maryland Faculty: Judicial College Leadership


Judicial College of Maryland

Remote Course

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