2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
WELCOME to the 2021 Judicial Educat ion Course Catalog
Dear Maryland Judges and Magistrates, As you know 2020was quite a year. We had somany exciting courses we were prepared to offer, most of whichwere suspended as a result the pandemic. Speaking of the Pandemic, we have put in place CDC-focused guidelines to ensure your safety in 2021! We are prepared to serve you using a smaller class size structure, with antiseptic supplies and social distancing strategies. While this is our new normal, it doesn’t cloud our enthusiasm for our 2021 course slate. It is with pleasure that the Judicial College of Maryland, Judicial Education present you with the 2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog. The Judicial Education Subcommittee and Judicial College staff are truly excited about the courses planned for 2021. In addition to the continuation of courses that provide newand experienced judges andmagistrateswith expanded knowledge, skills, andupdates on substantive law, we are pleased to announce that in 2021we are bringing back the highly regarded offsite/ facility-based courses. These include courses held in the Eastern Shore, as well as courses that take place at a prison, juvenile facility, mental health facility, and a drug treatment facility. Additionally, we are offering remote learning opportunities and our LunchtimeWebinars series. Judges andmagistrates can satisfy six (6) of the twelve (12) hour requirement through webinars or remote learning. Six (6) hours must be satisfied through onsite education. This catalog and all our courses are a direct result of the tireless commitment of our Judicial Education Subcommittee and Judiciary coordinators and faculty comprised of judges, magistrates, law professors, other subject matter experts, and judicial partners. Without the dedication and volunteerism of this group, the Judicial College would not be able to serve our judicial stakeholders so effectively. We are grateful to these individuals for their service. If you are interested in joining the ranks of your teaching colleagues, please contact our office at 410-260-3665 or email us at judicialeducation@mdcourts.gov. Detailed instructions for the registration process can be found in the 2021 Course Registration email. Thank you for your continued collaboration, involvement, and participation. We couldn’t do it without you! We hope you are as excited about our 2021 educational course offerings as we are. We look forward to serving you!
Stacey A. Saunders, PMP, CPLP, ITIL Assistant StateCourt Administrator Judicial College of Maryland
Judicial Education Benjamin N. Charlick, Esq. Assistant Manager benjamin.charlick@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3599 Pamela T. Vaughan ProgramManager pamela.vaughan@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3771
Carol L. Braswell Administrative Assistant carol.braswell@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3654 Francesca B. Williams, Esq. ProgramManager francesca.williams@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3665
Jasmine N. Towns Educational Design Coordinator jasmine.towns@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3653 Zipporah C. Williams, Esq. ProgramManager zipporah.williams@mdcourts.gov 410-260-3613
Judicial College of Maryland
Elizabeth Taylor College Registrar educationregistrar@mdcourts.gov 410.260.3573
Maryland Judicial Center 187 Harry S. Truman Parkway Annapolis, MD 21401
Central Office: 410-260-3660 Judicial Education: 410-260-3655 judicialeducation@mdcourts.gov
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