2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog

Business & Tax Issues in Family Law Litigation 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Take a closer look at the business and tax issues that arise in yourcourtroomduringfamilylawlitigation. This one-day interactive program will use a multi-tiered fact pattern to illustrate recurring legal questions in cases inwhich parties’owninterestsinbusinesses. We will analyze the tax implications of business ownership as they arise during various phases of litigation. We will explore how business ownership and those tax consequences effect the determination of child support, alimony, and marital property awards. Learn techniques to find actual income and to identify personal expenses which are classified as business expenses. Coordinator/Faculty: Magistrate Holly A. Whittier Faculty: Heather S. Collier, Esq.; Jeff E. Lowinger, Esq.; Joseph S. Estabrook, CPA Not All 18 Wheelers Have 18 Wheels 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. "Life is a highway, and I wanna ride it all night long" ……Songs about trucks and trucking are a dime a dozen oncountry radio, but I don’t knowwhichpart is the tractor and what part is the trailer in a tractor trailer? Do all 18 wheelers have 18 wheels? What are they doing at those highway weigh stations? What kind of tickets are law enforcement issuing these drivers? None of these answers are found in a song, but theywill be found in this course taught by front linemembers oftheMDTACommercialEnforcementandResponseTeam. Coordinator: Judge Lisa A. Phelps Faculty: Corporal Leroy S. Kellam, Jr; Senior Officer Christopher Wilson Drugged Driving: You Cruise, You Lose — Or Do You? 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m. Vehicles traveling at high speed, swerving inandout of lanes… Lights! Sirens! TrafficStops! Driver appears disheveled, slurred speech, failed the field Sobriety Tests but blows a 0.00? The driver MUST be under the influence of drugs. But proving it is wroughtwithchallengesforlawenforcementandtheState. Hear from both sides of these complicated cases — the MarylandStatePoliceDRECoordinatorandaveryexperienced defense attorney whose practice focuses heavily on these cases. Participants will gain valuable insight into these cases thatareincreasinginfrequencyandcomplications. Coordinator: Judge Lisa A. Phelps Faculty: Patrick E. Maher, Esq.; Sgt. Corey Steffy THU 18 TUE 23

THU 25

Impact Civil Cases 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Can't get enough of the Appellate Court stuff? Anoldbut relevant favorite: A trio of appellate judges catch you up on recent, important civil cases fromtheCourtofAppealsandCourtofSpecialAppeals. Coordinator: Judge Kevin F. Arthur Faculty: Judge Jonathan Biran; Judge E. Gregory Wells How Do You Spell Civil Evidence? We’ve all been there. An inartful evidence objection is made following an equally inartful witness examination. You make your ruling and hope you understood what the heck the issue was. This course will examine commonly confused and misapplied evidence rules to ensure that you are well- prepared tomake informed, clear rulings andwon’t fall victim tomuddled lawyering. Get it right, help your jury, and protect yourrecord.Voila! Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Larry Fletcher-Hill Faculty: TBA SAVE THE DATE APRIL 28-30 JUDICIAL CONFERENCE CAMBRIDGE, MD One Case at a Time 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m.

2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog

Off-Site Course 13

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