2021 Judicial Conference Program

New Problem-Solving Courts

During this reporting period, the Court of Appeals, with the recommendation from the Judicial Council’s Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee, the Problem-Solving Court Subcommittee, and OPSC, approved two new problem-solving courts under Maryland Rule 16-207:

• Baltimore County Circuit Adult Drug Court • Frederick County District Mental Health Court

Other problem-solving courts still in various stages of planning include: • Baltimore County District Adult Drug Court • Baltimore County District Mental Health Court • Charles County Circuit Adult Drug/Mental Health Court • Howard County Circuit Truancy Court

Truancy Court Work Group The work group was established jointly by the Juvenile Law Committee and the Specialty Courts and Dockets Committee and the with the purpose of advising both committees concerning: (1) the various court-related programs within the State which address truancy, including Truancy Reduction Pilot Program courts, truancy reduction efforts in District Courts, and the University of Baltimore Truancy Court Program; and (2) whether changes to statute, rule, policy, or practice are recommended to support court- related truancy reduction efforts, including changes to Maryland Code, Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, Title 3, Subtitle 8C, addressing the Truancy Reduction Pilot Program, and Maryland Rules, Rule 16-207, addressing problem-solving court programs, or Title 11, addressing the juvenile court. The work group submitted its final report to both committees on June 30, 2020. The report included proposed legislation to amend the truancy court statutes (Courts Article, Title 3, Subtitle 8C and Education Article § 7-301) to increase the efficacy and use of such courts by removing their “pilot” status and increasing the ability of the courts to identify and address the issues facing participating children and their parent(s)/guardian(s). The work group is working with both committees to move this proposed legislation in the next session. The committees also accepted the report’s recommendation that the committees extend the term of the work group to August 31, 2021, to enable members to continue to meet and address issues concerning truancy courts, including the appropriate rules for truancy programs, whether any additional statutory changes are needed to implement those rules, how truancy programs can best operate during and after the coronavirus period, and the operations of other truancy-related programs in Maryland and across the country. The work group also will use the extended term to consult with others involved in truancy and school reengagement, including representatives from local public school systems, the State Department of Education, State’s Attorneys Offices, the Office of the Public Defender, the Department of Juvenile Services, and other existing court programs (e.g., the “Links Program” in Baltimore City). Work Group on Legislation The work group met weekly from January through April. During that time, the work group reviewed and commented on legislation involving drugs, mental health, addiction, and business and technology. The bills that the work group reviewed were all referred to the work group by the Judicial Council’s Legislative Committee. After review, the work group forwarded each bill along with comments back to the committee.

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