2021 Judicial Conference Program

to those charges which resulted in an acquittal, dismissal, or nolle prosequi, except those nolle prosequi with the requirement of alcohol or drug treatment. HB 83 also would have prohibited Case Search from in any way referring to the existence of a District Court criminal case in which a charge of possession of marijuana under section 5-601 of the Criminal Law Article is the only charge in the case and the charge was disposed of before October 1, 2014. (*Please note that the legislature overrode the Governor’s vetoes of both these bills and they are currently in effect) The legislature also eliminated the 2020 sunset on the surcharge for recording certain land record instruments. The surcharge now will remain at $40 and money from the surcharge is deposited into the Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund. The legislature also attempted to bring judicial records under the purview of the Maryland Public Information Act. This bill presented separation of power and other constitutional concerns. A full summary of all bills affecting the Judiciary that passed the 2020 session are posted on CourtNet. Look for a summary of bills that passed the 2021 session this June. For more information, email Suzanne.pelz@mdcourts.gov.

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