2021 Judicial Conference Program
and develop juvenile justice forms (continuing through September). The Truancy Court Work Group also met weekly through the completion of its final report. • FCCIP Subcommittee members formed the FCCIP Pandemic Plan of Action Work Group at the onset of the pandemic to discuss how the shutdown affected dependency cases. The Pandemic work group membership include staff and external stakeholders. The work group discussed the impact of the shutdown on court processes, federally mandated case timelines, and important considerations such as court-ordered visitation. • The FCCIP Subcommittee also developed tools to assist the child welfare bench and bar in working together to ensure that cases did not languish as a result of the pandemic. These tools included virtual joint hearing checklists to assist with proposed joint orders.
Committee Work Groups
a. Juvenile Rules Work Group. A completed draft of four of the five proposed chapters addressing the division between CINA and other juvenile proceedings as set out in Maryland Code, Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, Title 3 was submitted to the Rules Committee's Juvenile Subcommittee for review which will begin in December. b. Truancy Court Work Group. The work group met weekly throughout the spring and produced a final report recommending, among other things, that truancy courts should exist as restorative justice programs, operating with a strength-based and positive approach to their work. The report also recommended that truancy programs should continue to operate within an established framework while having flexibility to change specific practices to meet needs in that jurisdiction. The work group concluded that the current legal framework has not kept practice with existing programs and recommended both statutory and rule changes. The work group asked to continue its work to address issues concerning rule development and program practices. Foster Care Court Improvement Program (FCCIP) Subcommittee The FCCIP Subcommittee focuses on matters related to child in need of assistance (CINA) and related proceedings. Subcommittee activities included: a. Child Welfare Education Work Group. This work group focuses on education for juvenile court judges and magistrates. • C.A.N.D.O. Although the 2020 Conference was cancelled due to the coronavirus, the work group has been developing plans for portions of the content to be produced and delivered virtually. • Child Welfare Bench Book. The work group completed review of and revisions to the Child Welfare Bench Book. The bench book will be reviewed according to AOC policy before being finalized. b. Outreach and Programming Work Group. The work group focuses on enhancing the availability and understanding of court programs and initiatives designed to improve permanency outcomes for families involved in child welfare matters. The work group is exploring ways to expand access to CASA to every youth in foster care and using an educational liaison to focus on monitoring/implementation of IEPs for youth in a jurisdiction. The work group is also continuing efforts to establish border agreements with Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Virginia. • Kinship Care Court Engagement Initiative - Focus Groups. FCCIP partnered with the University of Maryland, Baltimore to assist in a research study to obtain Statewide feedback from kinship and/ or relative caregivers on their experience with the court process during CINA and termination of parental rights matters. The focus groups were completed in Baltimore City and Prince George’s, Wicomico, and Harford counties. The principal investigator has provided a draft report to the FCCIP subcommittee. The work group’s recommendations were accepted by both committees.
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