2021 Judicial Conference Program

Domestic Law Committee Hon. Cynthia Callahan, Chair Hon. Cathy Hollenberg Serrette, Vice Chair


The Domestic Law Committee provides guidance and direction regarding policies, rules, and legislation surrounding family domestic law, including domestic violence. The Committee recommends policies, rules, and legislation that improves the effective administration of domestic law.


Hon. DaNeeka V. Cotton, Hon. Michael A. DiPietro, Hon. Mary M. Kramer, Hon. Douglas R. M. Nazarian, Hon. Richard Sandy, Hon. Donna Schaeffer, Hon. Judy L. Woodall, Magistrate Phyllis W. Brown, Magistrate Connie Marvel, Magistrate James Speis, and Michael Howard. Richard P. Abbott and Nisa C. Subasinghe, Staff.


Domestic Violence and Peace Order Subcommittee – Hon. James Green, Chair Custody Evaluator Standards and Training Work Group – Hon. Deborah Eyler, Chair

Court Process Work Group – Hon. Richard Sandy, Chair Domestic Forms Work Group – Hon. Mary Kramer, Chair

Family Mediation and Abuse Screening Work Group – Hon. Ruth Jakubowski, Chair Guardianship and Vulnerable Adults Work Group – Hon. Karen Murphy Jensen, Chair Legislative Work Group – Hon. Cynthia Callahan, Chair Special Status Work Group – Hon. Cathy Hollenberg Serrette, Chair

The committee’s major initiatives included: continuing the implementation of the Guardianship & Vulnerable Adults Work Group’s May 2016 recommendations; continuing the implementation of the Court Process Work Group’s September 2017 parenting plan recommendations; assisting Juvenile & Family Services in hosting child counsel and guardianship trainings; overhauling and developing new domestic, guardianship, and domestic violence protective order and peace order forms; developing recommendations and resources to improve the quality of court-ordered custody evaluations; addressing barriers and refining processes affecting certain non-citizen litigants; drafting position papers on domestic and guardianship bills during the legislative session; and, supporting the development of video series on topics including parenting plans, domestic violence, and alternatives to guardianship. COVID-19 impacted how the committee functioned and its focus during the reporting period. For safety reasons, the committee, its subcommittee, and work groups stopped meeting in-person. They also met more frequently to stay connected as the courts progressed through the phased reopening plan. Events including the Guardianship Symposium, Elder and Adult Guardianship Mediation training, and a training program for court-appointed guardianship attorneys were cancelled. The Committee was called upon to address COVID-19 issues. Committee chair, Hon. Cynthia Callahan and staff helped draft the Statement from the Judiciary on Matters Concerning Children & Families. The Domestic Violence and Peace Order Subcommittee, Custody Evaluator Standards and Training, and Guardianship & Vulnerable Adults work groups also focused on COVID-19 concerns. COVID-19 CHALLENGES

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