2021 Judicial Conference Program

District Court Chief Judge’s Committee Hon. John P. Morrissey, Chair


The District Court Chief Judge’s Committee advises the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals on the operation of the District Court and aids the Chief Judge of the District Court in the administration, operation, and maintenance of the District Court statewide.


Hon. Barbara B. Waxman, Hon. Gerald V. Purnell, Hon. Bonnie G. Schneider, Hon. Christy Holt Chesser, Hon. Lisa Hall-Johnson, Hon. Patricia Mitchell, Hon. John P. McKenna, Jr., Hon. Dorothy J. Wilson, Hon. Susan H. Hazlett, Hon. Pamila Brown, Hon. Dino E. Flores, Jr., Hon. H. Jack Price, Jr., Hon. James Green, Hon. Paula Price, Hon. Katina Steuart, Hon. Philip Tirabassi, Hon. John Moffett, Hon. Nancy B. Shuger, Hon. L. Robert Cooper, Hon. Eileen Reilly, Amy Bosley, and Roberta Warnken. Jenny Henderson, Carole Burkhart, and Gillian Tonkin, Staff.


Chief Clerk’s Subcommittee Civil and Domestic Work Group Criminal and Traffic Work Group

(Reporting Period – October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020)

The District Court Chief Judge’s Committee meets quarterly, and addresses issues that pertain to the operation and effectiveness of the District Courts in Maryland. In the past year, the committee has dealt with legislative changes, personnel issues, Rule changes, as well as many operational matters. Recurring updates are given on legislative, Rule, and MDEC issues at every meeting throughout the year. Operational updates, including form changes and facilities priorities, were discussed at each meeting to ensure that the District Court remains running efficiently. Implementation of numerous legislative changes, including the Justice Reinvestment Act, the new pretrial release rule, and commissioner indigency determinations are also routinely discussed. The quarterly committee meetings are an opportunity for the administrative judges to be informed about any on-going projects within the Judiciary that may affect the District Court. For example, a new Circuit Court/District Court, Court Help Center opened in Frederick County during the reporting period. The quarterly meetings provide information regarding programs to the administrative judges for possible expansion to their districts. Other District Court judges are invited to attend the meetings to inform the chief judge and administrative judges about important programs being implemented in a in their respective districts. This permits all 12 districts to remain informed of innovative programs and leads to implementation of best practices throughout the State. ADR, Court Help Centers, and pretrial programs have been extremely successful across the state and are continuing to expand as more jurisdictions are electing to opt in. The advancement of specialty courts continues with the opening of a Regional Veterans’ Court on the lower Eastern Shore. The District Court’s commitment to ensuring the mental health needs of its users has been advanced by regular meetings with the Department of Health to address the issues involving timely commitments, a shortage of beds and staffing, and following the court’s orders. The Chief Judge’s Committee is a forum for representatives from all District Court locations in Maryland to both relay and receive vital information. The purpose is to effectuate any needed changes to allow the Judiciary to run more efficiently, and to disseminate any changes that will affect the District Court’s daily and future operations.

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