2021 Judicial Conference Program

Conference WELCOME

Dear Colleagues:

It is my honor to welcome you to the 2021 Maryland Judicial Conference. The theme for this year’s conference is “Social Justice and the Role of the Maryland Courts.” In 2020, I established the Equal Justice Committee of the Judicial Council to identify necessary improvements, resources, and support services as well as develop educational opportunities for ongoing Judiciary-wide engagement in the pursuit of equal justice for all. The Equal Justice Committee will ensure that judges and staff increase their knowledge and understanding Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the 2019 Maryland Judicial Conference. The theme of this year’s conference is “The ABC’s of a Modern Judiciary: A dvancement in the law and technology; B alancing mental and physical health; C onfidence and trust.” Our plenary presentations will include discussions of today’s U.S. Supreme Court and its connection to our own court system; new perspec ives on s arch and s izure; a d public perceptio s of judges and the courts and h w they are formed and can vol e. Works ops and court-sp cific sessions will provide opportunities to focus on technology in the courtroom, the impacts of the Justice Reinvestment Act and of Extreme Risk Protective Orders, the art of judging, and more. This conference would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of the Judicial Council’s Education Committee, the 2019 Judicial Conference Work Group, co- chaired by Judges Tiffany H. Anderson and Pamila J. Brown, and the many judges and staff who have been involved in its organization and deserve full credit for its success. The work you do each day is vitally important within your community and throughout Maryland. Thank you for your dedication to the rule of law and your commitment to accessible, fair, efficient, and effective justice for all whom we serve — the people of our great state. of ethnic disparities, discrimination, and systemic racism in order to remove barriers to justice and make certain that the protections and rights under law are afforded equally to all of us. I hope that the committee takes from this conference lessons that will enrich their discussions and work. Over the next two days, we will hear presentations on implicit bias training, creating more inclusive courtrooms, pretrial reform, reducing recidivism, and the court’s role in understanding the impact of economic inequity as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we will hear fromWes Moore, bestselling author, U.S. Army combat veteran, social entrepreneur, and former Chief Executive Officer of Robin Hood, a leading poverty-fighting organization. I would like to acknowledge the Judicial Council’s Education Committee, the 2021 Judicial Conference Work Group, co-chaired by Judges Yolanda L. Curtin and Jeannie J. Hong, and the many judges, magistrates, and staff who have worked tirelessly to organize our first—and, let’s hope, last—virtual conference and make it a success, all in the midst of a pandemic. Finally, thank you for the work you do and your commitment to the rule of law. I look forward to an engaging and productive conference. Thank you for your participation as we work together to improve the delivery of equal justice under law for all in Maryland.

Mary Ellen Barbera Chief Judge Court of Appeals of Maryland Mary Ellen Barbera Chief Judge Court of Appeals of Maryland

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