2021 Judicial Conference Program
SUJATA WARRIER, PH.D. Director of Training and Technical Assistance Battered Women’s Justice Project | 1801 Nicollet Avenue, Suite 102 | Minneapolis, MN 55403 SUJATA WARRIER is the director of training and TA for the Battered Women’s Justice Project. She trains and provides technical assistance to professionals in various criminal justice systems. She has also trained extensively at the local, state, national and international levels on the issue of cultural competency for various professionals and has delivered numerous keynotes on the issue of culture, competency, relativism, and violence against women. She received her Ph.D. from the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. She has written and published numerous articles on violence against women in the international context. She also serves on other boards and groups: The Asian Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence, and Assista. She is also a faculty on the National Judicial Institute of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Dr. Warrier recently authored: It’s in their Culture Fairness and Cultural Considerations in Domestic Violence Cases in Family Court Review Women, Gender Based Violence and Immigration in Social Work with Immigrants and Refugees ; Culture, Competency and Violence against Women in the Health Care System in Intimate Partner Violence: A Health Based Perspective . She recently served as the country director – Bangladesh for an American Bar Association – Rule of Law Initiative for six months. She has worked with the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters on developing standards for cultural diversity for all domestic and sexual violence programs and has delivered numerous keynotes. Dr. Warrier has received numerous awards including: The Rev. Cheng Imm Tan Visionary Award; AWAKE Award for South Asian Women’s Advocacy; the Indian Chamber of Commerce Award honoring Women Achievers and the New York 30 Women Leaders Award. She recently served, after being appointed by the U.S. Attorney General, to the Federal Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women’s Advisory Board. TANISIA SMITH is chair of Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI). PAIMI is a federally funded program by Disability Rights Maryland (DRM) that provides legal advocacy services benefiting Marylanders with psychiatric disabilities. The PAIMI program was created in 1986 after investigations revealed horrific conditions in mental health facilities throughout the nation. PAIMI's vital role is to be an advocate for children and adults who have a mental health diagnosis, among the most marginalized and stigmatized of citizens. Tanisia is a panelist at the 2021 Judicial Conference workshop, entitled, Ensuring Justice for All: Guidance for Inclusion of People with Disabilities Coming to Court . HONORABLE VANESSA E. ATTERBEARY House of Delegates | House Office Building, Room 101 | 6 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401 VANESSA E. ATTERBEARY was elected to a second term, in the Maryland General Assembly, to represent District 13, Howard County, Maryland (where she was born and raised) in 2018 and was sworn in on January 9, 2019. After only having served one term in the Maryland General Assembly, Delegate Atterbeary was appointed by Speaker of the House Michael Busch to serve as vice chair of the Judiciary Committee. In addition to serving as vice chair, Delegate Atterbeary serves as chair of the Public Safety Work Group, serves on the Family Law Subcommittee and was elected for a second time in 2019 to serve as Chair of the Howard County House Delegation. TANISIA SMITH Protection & Advocacy Advisory Council Disability Rights Maryland | 1500 Union Avenue, Suite 2000 | Baltimore, MD 21211
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