2019 Professional Development Course Catalog
Online Courses
Judicial College online courses are held on Canvas. Login instructions for participants are sent from the College Registrar prior to the start date of the course.
Conducting Interviews Finding job applicants who are a great fit for your court or office can be a challenge. In this online course, you will learn what to do before, during, and after the inter- view. Time will be spent learning to craft behavior-based questions and eliminate illegal questions. By the conclu- sion, you will learn how to conduct an effective and lawful interview that will help you select the best person for the position. Before you hire another employee, be sure to make your decision based on facts and not your “gut feeling.” 3-week course Mar 11–Mar 29 online Jun 10–Jun 28 online Sep 9–Sep 27 online Oct 21–Nov 8 online
Fundamentals of Customer Service As representatives of the Maryland Judiciary, we have a responsibility to foster fair and efficient justice for all of our citizens. Upon the completion of this course, partic- ipants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the needs of both internal and external customers, use the most helpful customer service communication skills, and employ constructive techniques for dealing with challenging customers. This course includes seven modules, with each created to build upon the previous and designed to be completed sequentially. • Getting Started • Attitude of Serving
• Customer Basics • Diffusing Anger • Improved Communication • Saying It Better • Putting It Together
This course is designed for Judiciary employees who have the ability to work online during work time for approxi- mately one and a half hours a week for seven consecutive weeks. Online content will include readings, narrated PowerPoints, and activities to support the learning. Participants will be expected to complete all assignments by the specified due dates in order to complete the course successfully.
7-week course Jan 28–Mar 15 online Mar 25–May 10 online Aug 26–Oct 11 online
Judicial College of Maryland
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