2018 Professional Development Course Catalog - Update 11/28/2017
Conflict Resolution This course is designed to help participants understand how to use conflict positively to strengthen relationships. Participants will learn what is happening in “high stakes” conversations, biologically, and psychologically. We will explore how to create a safe environment for themselves and others during tense discussions (e.g. performance appraisals). Participants will learn how to deal with difficult personalities, bad attitudes, and staff with personal hygiene issues. This course will help participants identify their preferred communication style and methods of dealing with conflict. adults over the age of 40. According to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Foundation, it’s a “healthcare crisis” affecting more than 300,000 people every year. Even the fastest paramedics could take eight to twelve minutes to get to a patient after he or she collapses. Quick access to an automatic external defibrillator (AED) and to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by an engaged bystander could increase the odds of survival from about 5% to 40%, or higher! In collaboration with Maryland Special Police Officer Carl Owens to offer Judiciary employees (both county and state) an opportunity to become CPR/AED Certified. CPR/AED Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death among
Conducting Interviews Finding job applicants who are a great fit for your court or office can be a challenge. In this online course, you will learn what to do before, during, and after the interview. Time will be spent learning to craft behavior- based questions and eliminate illegal questions. By the conclusion, you will learn how to conduct an effective and lawful interview that will help you select the best person for the position. Before you hire another employee, be sure to make your decision based on facts and not your “gut feeling.” Conducting Meetings That Don’t Put People to Sleep This webinar explores answers to the question, “Why do people hate meetings?” Participants will learn about the importance of having an agenda, developing ground rules, and keeping members engaged and focused. Class discussion will include best practices for conducting effective and fun meetings. Conquering Chaos Do you ever feel buried under a mountain of tasks, either at the office or at home? Are paperwork, telephones, schedules, snail mail and e-mail cluttering your life and blocking your ability to accomplish your goals? Learn strategies to get and stay organized, end your procrastination, and boost your productivity. Imagine how great it will feel to gain more control of your precious time.
Judicial College of Maryland
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